Croesus Track access from Blackball end - advice?

  • Hey all. I'm intending to take my son to the Ces Clarke Memorial hut for a night or two these school holidays and hopefully grab a vista from Croesus Knob. We're going in from the Blackball end via the Smoke Ho Creek carpark and I'd like to know what the vehicle access into the carpark is like. Thing is I've just had my front bumper replaced on my Nissan Primera after tackling a rough access and if I return with it in the boot again the missus might not let me out next time ;) So... is the carpark access road suitable for my suburban Primera??? Cheers :)
  • This advice will have no legal standing, or with your wife :-) But I took my 1993 automatic 1.3L Daihatsu Charade in there before and had no problems. If my car can make it, I think any car can! PS Ces Clarke Hut is a beaut spot
  • Hey Chris thanks for that. So the track condition was fairly reasonable then I take it? Looking forward to getting out there and will post some piccys once we're back :)
  • It was in 2005, sometime between July and October; I can't really remember what the road was like, just that I had no problems getting in there. I think there were a few bumpy bits where I had to go slow but nothing that worried me in my little car!
  • I was there in early March this year and the road was fine, unless the winter has damaged it since any 2 wheel car would be OK. We MTBed to Ces Clarke and back and then rode back down to Blackball. It was a great ride and the road better than the track.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Pedro1964
On 4 July 2010
Replies 4
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