Ruapehu winter summit and camp

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  • This winter I am planning to climb Ruapehu and spend one night camped up top somewhere on the plateau. I await only a weekend with relatively fine weather.. any takers?? Company would be good, also for safety reasons. Would need your own gear, and tent or bivy. I have transport, unless someone with a 4WD offers :) Can share costs, would be a sat/sun trip.
  • Hey mate, could be keen but cant commit at this stage. Let me know when your planing on going, and Ill see if Im free. Cheers Dave.
  • Hey there, looks like this trip will be mid to late October sometime. Will depend a little on getting a semi reasonable weather forecast about one week out.
  • Might be interested myself, much against my better judgement. Give me a yell nearer the time. What about you fruitbat?
  • It sounds great but I don't think I'm good enough with crampons and ice axe especially if it was really icy. Got a bit of a snow cave plan in mind for Sept on Sth Crater though - flatter ground!
  • Sounds good athlete272. October will suit mw well. Keep me posted. Cheers.
  • Hey guys. I plan to do this trip next weekend, that is the 16th Oct. Leaving Palmy around 7am, drive to Tukino road and climb Ruapehu from the Eastern side. I have one other coming with me at this stage. Hope the skies are at least a little clear. Let me know if you are coming? Cheers Hugh
  • Sorry mate, but I have other commitments next weekend. Hope the weather plays nice for you.
  • Trip's called off, but thanks for the interest
  • Hey, seeing you were planning this trip I am wondering: Would you be able to give me some advice or feedback to my recent post about "A night on top of Mt Taranaki", in the "Tracks and Routes" section? Much appreciated. Thanks! Matt
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by athlete272
On 16 June 2010
Replies 12
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