boots versus shoes

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  • Peter - you don't need "boots" where you are going - even worse if waterproofed as they hold the water in and add even more weight (and soggy skin!). I use Montrail Vetisse ( Merrill Continium (spelling??). I do a lot of off track work and as pmcke said, forget dry feet if tramping in NZ. You are always in and out of water - my shoes drain real fast and dry quickly. As ktnbs mentioned (and I do) use light weight boots for shoulder season snow - I have lightweight Salomon's - - but the vitesse's are really great!! Hope this helps - Rob
  • My boots are a couple years old and have remained waterproof. I do take care to wax them though -- but you really need to do that to stop the leather drying and cracking. If you get a heavier boot, you need to take more care about the comfort and fit. Lighter weight footwear is more forgiving.
  • Thank you all for the thoughtful and enlightening comments. I am taking it all on board. I hope the links remain here so I can keep checking on them.
  • I'm a definite advocate of shoes, and do virtually all my walking in them rather than boots. They are much more comfortable, and lighter and you really notice the difference after a full days walking. I wear Innov8 trainers (lightweight UK brand). The ankle support of boots can be over-rated, the only time I've injured myself out walking, was many years ago when wearing a pair of Scarpa Mantas. Some good lightweight tips and pod casts on this web site:-
  • LLoydy I got enthused about Innov8 and got the Terrocs - I found the heel supports very hard and I got a blister with the lining rubbing through after one trip - to their credit, the local agent replaced them, but alas, I got the same with the second pair??? Really strange as these shoes get a great rap. Guess I got an abnormal heel? I am a member of great light weight site
  • I use shoes for a lot of stuff, in fact unless I'm really bush bashing where it's normal to fall through rotten logs and spend a lot of time in creeks where my ankle bones get a hiding, I don't use boots at all. My philosophy is, if you're on a track, wear shoes. The only boots I use unless I'm using crampons are skellerup hikers- they're cheap and will outlast most of the boots you'll find at bivouac. They are awesome. Check them out.
  • i myself never wear shoes unless i am going for a run somewhere up the mountain, otherwise i always wear boots, they keep my feet warm even if they get wet and offer better protection against scrapes and cuts on rocks, branches etc. most good boots these days are really light anyway, my new scarpa's are very light, not like the boots from the olden days!!!
  • OK guys lets kill this boots thing - what about "hut/camp footwear"? I have found a great combo - Teva thongs (very, very light!) with Injinji toe socks. The latter also keeps sandflies at bay and feet warm if cool. I also wear the toe socks with my tramping shoes - supper comfy. I take one pair in the pack and one on my feet. PS - I think Crocs would be good (a few guys in our club use these) but these are too bulky for my Macpac Amp35 pack.
  • I used to use those cheap boat shoes from the Warehouse, but now I use Crocs, well not the real thing, once again the cheap ones from the Warehouse. They are very light and, yes, sightly bulky but i just cram them in the top of my pack and they seem to squash in there somehow.
  • Im with pmcke but dont find enough room in my pursuit for the crocs so stay with the boat shoes as they compress better.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by calvert
On 19 December 2007
Replies 34
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