Fiordland or Nepal??

  • Did you use it as a prophylactic or treatment?
  • I fully recommend taking diamox as prescribed. It is good for altitude sickness.
  • people vary graetly in their reactions to diamox, its been around a long time. i went to a talk by graeme dingle on climbing on everest, he took it and swore by its results but some other members of his party got very sick on it... one of the group members blamed it for him loosing a lot of weight and physical condition. I'd try it out before you go on your high altitude trip to make sure it does help you.
    This post has been edited by the author on 26 March 2017 at 07:07.
  • Nah. I'm not taking an AMS medication when I'm not dealing with AMS. Or altitude, for that matter! :D I'll just take it with me. I'm just curious; some take it as a prophylactic, others only for treatment. Interested in know who's taken and when, and the outcome....
  • Man it's hard to remember but I did take diamox while doing the 3 passes trek. I started taking it the day before leaving for lukla or something like that. I had no side effects, just a little cotton mouth. I did the trek without any ill effects to altitude. I spent 3 days in gorak shep. 5 or so days above 5000m. Man it's hard to remember to be honest. But I was taking them. I got bad toothache in namche took some antibiotics and it cleared up, nothing to do with a.m.s though. The next year in the Andes my partner came, she took diamox without Ill effect. We got up to 4750m then. She had no ill effects from the pills or the altitude . I didn't take them that time. I had no ill effects from altitude. There is other things you must get shots for though hepatitis etc etc. it's a third world country it's pretty nasty in Kathmandu .
    This post has been edited by the author on 26 March 2017 at 19:27.
  • As ex-Navy, I've been vaccinated against almost everything you CAN be vaccinated against! I'm even vaccinated against rabies for life. :D I had one dickhead doctor fight me against one vaccination (can't remember which one, but it was just before traveling), so I just administered it myself. Actually, I've somehow managed to do this a couple of times. See the doctor, get script for vacc, pick up vacc from pharmacy, administer myself. (I do NOT recommend doing this! I was a medic and have administered thousands of vaccinations). Actually, I'm trying to find if there's anywhere in Nepal I get involved by volunteering at a vaccination clinic or something. Not paying to volunteer though. Will happily pay for food etc, but I'm paying a fee to give my time. I'd rather buy a village a yak than pay some organisation for the privilege of volunteering to help locals.
  • I took Diamox to Mongolia but didn't need it so donated it to the guide's medicine kit.
  • Does anyone have any Diamox they don't plan on using? I realised that I actually have everything else I need. Don't need to see a doctor at all if I can get some Diamox.... ;)
  • heard about the tents people use to simulate high altitude to aclimatise before they head off on their trips?
  • If you are keen to do some volunteer work have a look what this person is doing. Om is one of those people who is full of life and is doing a lot to help out those less fortunate. You will have heaps of laughs and see what village life is like in Nepal which you don't get while trekking
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 28 February 2017
Replies 80
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