Leatham and The Branch Valleys

  • I have been looking at this area for my next trip over. I see that there is 4WD access part way up both valleys. Also I hear there is an infestation of pine in both. Do people here have any experience with either they would like to impart? K.
  • Can drive a reasonable distance up both valleys. They are quite scenic with plenty of places to explore. Fords can be a bit difficult at times. The ford across the letham to drive up the branch can be treacherous in anything but low/normal flows. Very popular spot for hunters, I only been up there trout fishing (very few fish in the rivers due to the hydro dam) and never gotten around to walking any of the tramps in the area.
  • I've seen vehicles at Boulder Forks Hut up the Leatham and Greigs Hut up the Branch. The Marlborough Regional Council have river flows on their website. The Branch is at a low flow around 9 cumecs. At 12 cumecs, river crossings were getting marginal for us two. The infestation of pinus does give it an exotic look. There is a reasonably new track from Greigs Hut to Siberia Hut and then along to Lost Stream. We did a very enjoyable circuit one easter via Lost Biv, Bullpaddock Biv and then a very straightforward descent of the northern tributary of the Silverstream. Don't even think of taking the direct route from the head of Lost Stream to the Mid Silverstream hut. A party did that and after 12 hours, had to camp in the gorge. Not nice! We also went to the region to climb Scotts Knob which was straightforward done the usual way as a day trip from Greigs Hut and Pinnacle in a day trip from Boulder Forks hut via Krushen Stream. It was just a matter of picking the right conditions. Unfortunately we had no view from the summit of Pinnacle but the last bit to the summit was a lovely rock scramble. 2 guys got avalanched on in the Krushen valley a few years ago but survived to hobble out! There's a lot more I'd like to do in the area. It's a good rain shadow when other areas have crap wx.
  • I went up the Leatham just three weeks ago in May 2010. It is rugged, remote, steep and scenic. Yes the Douglas firs are taking over a lot of areas. But it does add a Eurpean Alps feel to the valley. The Leatham river crossing at the start can be simply avoided by taking a mountain bike over the brand new swing bridge and riding up the 14km long track to use Griegs hut as a base. There is heaps to see, with an unmaintained track behind Griegs up to Mt Morris, Scotts Stream and Scotts knob. All weater access is reasonably assured up the main Branch valley with the two swing bridges. I have only been as far up as Lower Misery. But I will certainly be heading back to see some more, as it is easily accessible and a great rugged steep location for tramping.
  • Great uncrowded valleys, don't tell everyone. Nuggety 4wd can get up Leathem as far as Gordon Str. Lots of potential for high crossings into adjacent valleys & Molesworth (Severne). Passes can be nuggety.
  • If you think leatherwood is hard to bash through, then you want to try sub alpine stunted pine - you'll come out covered in blood & sticky sap. Best avoided. Fantastic area, tho
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by kanangra
On 3 June 2010
Replies 5
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