Pack Horse Hut: How do these tracks to it compare?

  • Hi everyone, the Trailbabies are going to the Pack Horse Hut soon! Can anyone tell me a bit more about these two tracks to it and how they compare? The track from Kaituna Valley is around 1 hour and goes from 40 to 440 m altitude. The track from Gebbie's Pass is around 2 hours and goes from 160-440m altitude. That doesn't really say too much, and both lengths and altitude differences are manageable for our group. There's a nice description of Kaituna Valley on here at, but couldn't find any for Gebbie's Pass. => So which track is "nicer" in your opinion, and why? THANKS for any input! Matt
  • I would like to add the following questions in case someone can answer them: a) Is there a significant difference between the two tracks in really bad weather? b) What type of creeks are to cross on each track, and is that always the case or are they only worth mentioning in bad weather? THANKS! Matt
  • Hi Matt, Did you end up doing the trip to Pack Horse Hut and how did your young ones find it? I am relatively new to tramping and want to take my 5 & 8 yr old for an overnight there and would be interested in any comments or advice you may have. Thanks Lisa
  • Hi Lisa, I'm so sorry, this comes very late! I only found this post right now. How have you fared in the quake? Hope you're good. Anyway: Yes, we did do that trip, and it was great! On the first day, it took us about four hours to get up there in brilliant sunshine and t-shirt and shorts, three families with children between 2 and 6 years old AND carrying our own loads of firewood for the night because we knew that there was none up there at the time - the 4WD of the ranger couldn't make it to the hut due to track damage from the September quake. The kids were really great, helping each other on the way up, chatting away, playing games and throwing rocks into the creeks - they walk much faster in a bunch than by themselves, too. Had a brilliant evening with the kids playing around the hut, enjoying the logburner, making some dinner and playing games inside. Good we brought camp mats because that way we all fit into one of the two rooms - which left the other room to the only other guy up there that night, who was great with our children as well. On the second day we opened our eyes to find the hut and the entire saddle inmidst of a snow storm, no kidding. We dressed up with everything we had and, after a very brief snowball fight, made a dash for the shelter of the lower areas of the track. Most of us were equipped well enough even for that cold weather, but some had to improvise rain covers for their child carriers from painting drop sheets that we carry for all sorts of reasons. With that, no real problem. It only took us two hours to get back to the cars, but we didn't do any play stops at all under those conditions, of course. Lesson learned, or rather reconfirmed: Always, always be prepared for really bad weather. For our then 2 year old son, we always have: 2 pairs of socks 2 pairs of long polypro underwear 2 pairs of long armed poloypro t-shirts 2 pairs of light pants 2 fleece jumpers, one wider than the other 1 rain suit warm beanie fleece scarf (a strip cut from a cheap fleece blanket) mittens all-around raincover for child carrier backpack IMPORTANT: ALL ZERO COTTON!!! Even in cold conditions like that, which we have encountered a few more times since then, we never managed to put all of the above on him, because he complains that it's too hot - so I figure we're on the safe side here. I don't know if I would trust the Pack Horse Hut to be safe in light of recent events in Christchurch; the chimney looked pretty untrustworthy to me after the September quake already, haven't heard how it's done now. An alternative is to camp in the little forest just five minutes below the hut, which gives very good shelter from any wind. Have you done any interesting trips in the meantime? Ciao, Matt
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Mariku
On 27 May 2010
Replies 3
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