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  • I know how thrilling it is to bump into fellow permolat members. Usually the tools we carry give it away.
  • I reckon @strider has got it. Our very own Morris dance! Then as we stride along the path and see another tramper approaching we can simply break into a few dance steps as they approach. They will immediately respond in kind thus engendering a conversation to take place, or dash of the side of the track in fear and hide until the suspected loony chainsaw gang disappear.
  • Yes, the US military are big on coins. And these aren't usually just 'coins'. They're more like elaborate medallions. Some of them are phenomenal!
  • we could get tattoos!
  • Right across our foreheads.
  • Now you've got it! Tramper NZ ta moko! :D
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 11 February 2017
Replies 15
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