How to identify nz made macpac tents.

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  • Is there any way to identify New Zealand made Macpac tents from the newer Asian made ones.
  • The latest ones r siicon coated nylon. Not sure when they started using it. But if it post dates their change to Asia that's one way of telling if u see a non sil nylon tent. Sol nylon is shinier on the outside. Should be on a label where its made. At least on the Asian ones.
  • Does it matter. Macpac have kept on top of their quality control so they should be just as good. Nylon does have a finite life in the sun
  • Yes, there is a perception, wither true or not, that the NZ made ones are better quality and more durable. That perception means they are worth more secondhand.
  • most of my gear is made in Asia, its all quality gear and its all performed well under difficult to extreme conditions.. a decent brand will make sure they are using a quality factory with skilled staff to make their gear and it will be correctly quality controlled. most of the worlds best brands now have their gear made in asia... they are the best brands because they protect their reputation by ensuring that their gear is made to a high standard. the assumption that because its asian made its almost certainly inferior quality is rubbish, most of the materials outdoor gear is made from, is manufactured in Asia and it has been even when brands like Macpac were making their gear in NZ... most of the plastics in their gear were probably made in asia.... got any material that is Pertex? pertex is a brand that markets asian material and has a reputation for being some of the best material on the market... if you are a company that trades on making quality gear, you dont just shift production to Asia because its cheaper, you shift production there because you can get it made for the same quality at a cheaper price.. the warranty should be the same, just in case ther are some sub standard items i had a macpac pack that had used the wrong metal in the zips and they corroded, other macpac packs i had have been fine, macpac replaced the entire pack with a newer model under warranty.... so whats your problem, you're getting a cheaper product and at the end of the day you're getting the same warranty you always did... go and buy from a brand that makes gear outside of asia. and see if you can afford it...
  • Yeah, fully agree waynowski, just because it's asian doesn't mean it's crap, design and quality control are important, these brands have reputation to uphold. I've had a couple of newer Wild County tents, designed by the same outfit as Terra Nova, but made in China instead of Derbyshire, UK. The fabric I think's a tad heavier but you wouldn't notice, and quality's fine.
  • You miss the point... Imagine two products, they are both identical. One is made in Asia, the other is made in New Zealand. Due to the perception of superior quality and patriotism the NZ made one would have a higher resale value. For that reason alone it is important to know the place of manufacturing and market it appropriately because market perception is more important than reality when getting the highest resale value.
  • and we still don't have a benchmark for identifying items made in asia unless its on a label of all of them what country they were made in, if you want quality why by a years old second hand one? especially nylon which degrades with age and becomes fragile.... you're not getting the perceived quality and the resale value may be a rip off so its all academic. unless you are the seller and are happy imposing a premium price which can be undeserved
  • When selling by auction it is the buyer which determines the price not the seller. So no need to impose a premium price when the market is happy to pay what it perceives to be worth. I have spoken with enough people to know, that there is still a strong sentiment that the NZ made Macpac gear was more durable. With the exception of Japanese made gear, you never really see brands promote the fact they are made in Asia.
  • good brands often don't bother promoting where they are made, they promote their warranty that covers the gear and guarantees you get a quality product, and the vast majority of quality outdoor gear is now made in various countries around Asia.... people are scaling 8000m mountains and walking vast distances with gear made in asian factories.... i'm sure there are actually plenty of non racist buyers out there who will buy according to brand and not country of manufacture, the chinese now send rockets into space, they've come a long way from their early days of industrialisation. all sorts of high end technological devices are made in china now. i'm sure theres some good factories there who can stitch together some quality outdoor gear as well as any NZ seamstress
    This post has been edited by the author on 11 February 2017 at 13:45.
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On 9 February 2017
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