Blister Prevention

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  • I meant "part" of the fun. That's experience. I'll never forget those 17 inch, brand new NZ army boots without insoles which I wore on my first trip into Lakeman Biv!
  • Someone once described tramping as being like bashing your head against a brick wall. All that pain and then how lovely it is to stop. I suppose we are all a bit that way inclined.
  • Absolutely.
  • I used to get pressure blisters around my toes but eventually figured out that whenever I got a new pair of inner socks I didn't have the problem for a little while.... Now I replace my inner socks more frequently (the outer ones last until I loose one) and give my tramping socks a good soak in fabric softener when they start to go a bit hard.
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11–14 of 14

Forum The campfire
Started by kieranpalmer
On 18 May 2010
Replies 13
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