Leaving car in carpark overnight-Waitawheta

  • Myself and my 2 boys are planning an overnight tramp up to the Waitawheta Hut which is in the Kaimai range. I am a bit hesitant at leaving the car in the carpark overnight. Carpark area looks very isolated which is good/bad for lonely unattended cars. Could arrange to be dropped of but it is quite a drive to from our house and then of course we need collecting the next day. What do others do?
  • I've only done day trips from the Franklin Rd car park but there has usually been a fair number of cars there with some being left overnight. I haven't heard of a specific break in problem there so don't imagine it is any worse than anywhere else. If I am worried about car safety in an area I ensure that there is nothing left in the car and I open the glove box and any interior consoles to show they are empty.
  • Thanks Dodgydave. Looking foward to this experience.
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Forum The campfire
Started by camlia
On 2 January 2017
Replies 2
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