Ever come across aircraft wreckage in the bush?

  • Hi guys, I have just joined this site. I also follow a site called www.findlostaircraft.co.nz run by pilot and author Gavin Grimmer who spends his time looking for missing aircraft in NZ. There are also a few others of us interested in this. There are many wrecks out there whose fate is documented but there are also some aircraft which have never been found. It is possible that some of these have been seen but it was assumed that everyone knew about it. So has anyone out there come across any aircraft wreckage in the bush? Regards Mark
  • A few years ago we were just downstream of Mangatoatoa Hut in the Ureweras. We were passing through a very small clearing, not much more than an opening in the canopy, when someone said "I think there has been a plane crash here". He was looking at a small wooden cross nailed to a tree with a name scratched on it. I am not sure if it was before or afterwards but we noticed hanging on a nail on the side of the hut was a piece of aluminium trim, the teardrop shape of the helicopter door. When I got home I did a search on the internet and found the report for a crash just below Mangatoatoa Hut in which an overloaded helecopter had crashed. The 2 passengers survived but the pilot was killed. Then at the end of the report it stated that all the wreckage was recovered, except for a piece of door trim, which was never found.
  • There was an interesting item on TV about a family who were searching for a specific plane wreck in Fiordland, not sure if there was a family connection for them. It looked like mission impossible - the bush was so vast and dense. Apparently there are quite a few plane wrecks in there that have never been found.I wonder if they ever found it.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Syncop8r
On 17 May 2010
Replies 2
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