Stand by, stand by.....

  • High team! Merry Christmas and all that jazz. Hope you're having a cracker of a festive season! I've been a bit absent recently, but for a reason.... Firstly, I just went back to Oz for 9 days over Christmas. First time since I moved to NZ 13th April, 2014. Was great catching up with the fam, getting accidentally bitten by my brother's dog wasn't fantastic, but no big deal. Although I suspect I'm due a tetanus shot... And having sweat running down the crack of my arse like Niagra sucked! Not to mention being grateful I didn't hit any of the 10 kangaroos I saw early in the morning, or snake on the road in the evening. (Have I ever mentioned that I really don't miss seeing snakes on a regular basis)? Not one moment on the way to or in Oz did I feel like I was going/was "home". It's only when flying back to NZ did I know I was coming home. Anyway, the other reason I've been scarce is job hunting. This year I spent too much time in a manager's role behind a computer screen, and not enough time actually guiding. So I was away on a sort-of job interview. Met Scottie in Wellington as a result, which was great! But that opportunity didn't pan out. However, I'm pleased to say that I have been offered a job in Fiordland with Real Journeys. 7 days on, 7 days off, working and living in Doubtful Sound. I start on the 9th of Jan, and CAN'T WAIT!!! So the title comes from standing by for increased stories of misadventure as I live and play in arguably NZ's greatest outdoor playground. I'm also considering a 3-month jaunt through South America in 2017, so if that comes to fruition, I shall have some interesting tales indeed! Considering we're just a couple of days away from a new year, what upcoming adventures are you looking forward to/do we get to look forward to reading about? An exciting year ahead awaits!
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 January 2017 at 19:31.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 30 December 2016
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