Did govt use US election as cover for RMA changes?

  • Opponents of the government's overhaul of resource management law say New Zealanders are about to lose their right to have a say on environmental issues. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/political/317777/did-govt-use-us-election-as-cover-for-rma-changes
  • And this is a surprise?????? John key for leader of the opposition!
  • Calm down the hype, all that happens is an announcement that "The bill will be referred back to select committee today, and the government expected it would be passed late this year, or early next."
  • More on the proposed changes in legislation from the CoalAction newsletter: The MBIE report that contains these proposals is the Tai Poutini West Coast Growth Study, and you can find it here: http://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/other-programmes/regional-growth-studies/ The three proposals to make mining easier are: Identify areas of stewardship land of low conservation value and open these up for mining (or dairying!) Create a 'single window' for dealing with applications and consents - in other word, roll all potential hearings on a proposed mining project into one Allow mining as a permitted use in 'selected areas' of the Buller Coalfield, meaning that no resource consent would be required for such mining. The potential legal basis for this is the Collaborative Planning Process contained in the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, which can enable a District Plan Change. Appeals on such a District Plan Change would be limited to points of law. While each of these of these proposals would make getting new mines approved easier, the main concern is #3, which would appear to give the Buller District Council carte blanche to approve multiple coal mines at once – with no consideration of their adverse environmental effects. In an era of rapid climate change, it’s hard to imagine a more misguided proposal. The Resource Legislation Amendment Bill is currently tied up in Parliamentary horse-trading. Let’s hope it stays there. The Maori Party are backing it.
    This post has been edited by the author on 14 November 2016 at 22:48.
  • Isnt Buller coalfield inside the National park? If so then they cant block public access. Lets sneak a tramping track over the middle of it and use it regularly. We cant block the mine but can complain about the loss of a popular track
  • Great idea geeves :-) But coal mines? Hmm, I doubt there's any risk of that really.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 10 November 2016
Replies 5
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