Lake Unknown

This topic branched from "Lake Unknown" on .
  • I'm planning to take a crack at getting to this lake on my next trip in March. I'm very experienced (including alpine), but wonder if anyone's been up there from Theatre Flat in recent times and can offer any advice. Unfortunately I don't have the time to do the Five Passes, just three days. Go in over Sugarloaf and camp at Theatre Flat, day 2 to the lake and back to camp, then out on day 3. Thanks in advance for any offerings.
  • Excellent, thanks Wayne
  • You have a copy of Moirs? Must find my copy, I must have left it out somewhere and my wife tidied it away...
  • I do have a copy of Moirs (somewhere). Must try extra hard to find it.
  • The most recent addition of Moirs North (8th ed, 2013) has the routes up explained quite well, but not the route down to the lake (if you actually want to get down to lake level). I'm planning on giving it a go in the new year, weather permitting.
    This post has been edited by the author on 1 November 2016 at 18:31.
  • I'm not hellbent on getting down to the lake, if I can get some good views from say pt 1760 I'll be happy enough. By the sounds of it there's a bit of scrub to get through. If you manage to get down to the lake in the new year I'll be keen to get your thoughts.
  • Yeah, sure thing. I'm not personally that interested in getting down to the lake either, I'd rather climb Minos Peak, but my friends who will be on the trip are hell bent in visiting lakes so they'll probably want to give it a go.
  • There are some pictures in Southern Alps Photography looking down onto Lake Unknown from various points that give some idea of what it's like down towards the lake. Also some great shots looking across to Lake Nerine / the route from the ridge running south of Park Pass through to Lake Nerine for those doing that trip.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by roysta
On 31 October 2016
Replies 8
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