Wellington tramping clubs

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  • "what if the weather is crap" just accept that rain and wind in the Tarries is inevitable, and anything else is an unexpected bonus...
  • Yeah. Toughen up. :) More seriously there is normally a need to commit to trips so the organisation doesn't get messed around, so some clubs won't necessarily work well for someone who doesn't like to commit like that. Some people active in clubs will be going out every few weeks if not more frequently. At that rate you often just set your schedule in a particular order and take the bad with the good. It's not for everyone but I've found it works well for me. I just like the excuse to get out of the house, and also to see places in states that many people don't. So often a weather window opens up and lets you have a great weekend anyway, and I've had more than a few very memorable (but worthwhile) trips in hideous weather. Plans should definitely be being adjusted if there are safety issues, and a good trip plan lodged with an emergency contact will normally include all the possibilities. Most people I know from out of the regions have been locals in the club at some point, but most clubs let non-members come along. If you see something interesting, email the person organising the trip. Once you get to know one or two people, you'll have people who can be a reference for any other trips.
  • I mainly only want to do a few of the iconic trips, such as the southern crossing. Was planning to do it solo, but logistically would be easier with others. I agree that different weather and conditions can greatly change a area... and not always for the worst. But if it is going to be the only time I do something like the crossing, I prefer to get to see the scenery. If I feel the need to experience crappy white out conditions, I can always climb mount Richmond in a northerly.
  • Most clubs happily acept out of towners. If nothing else it gives an accommodation option on the way there. As for committing 3 weeks early give a thought to the trip leaders. Ive already committed to a trip in February. Often as long as you can commit before the last club night you should be fine but you need to contact the leader to confirm as some trips can be well booked ahead of time
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Forum The campfire
Started by abc123
On 13 October 2016
Replies 13
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