Bids, bivs, huts and bogs

  • Good to see more people stepping up getting involved in the upkeep of our back-country hut system given DOC's funding cuts. Hopefully the government dosen't see this as an opportunity to cut their funds even futher as an opportunity to replace funding with voulenteer work.
  • Yes i think its a great idea. We have groups such as permolat and NZDA and now the kaimai ridgeway project building and maintaining huts and tracks in the kaimais.
  • Interesting how it used to be that tramping clubs, hunters etc. built and maintained the huts. Then a time when DOC virtually did it all, and even stopped others from doing anything. Then they eased off and let people do some maintenance and now its shifting more back towards how it used to be. I was young enough to help build some huts/bivs back before DOC and what a great experience that was. Everyone banding together and getting stuck in. The old Mountain Mule pack frames got good workouts carrying everything (including concrete foundation blocks!) in to the sites. Looking at the pics in the above link I can see a whole other way of enjoying the outdoors, rather than just going for a tramp/hunt. Fantastic! Gave a bonus reason for being in a tramping club. And we still have the most awesome network of huts to enjoy no matter who builds/maintains them!
    This post has been edited by the author on 20 October 2016 at 09:14.
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Forum The campfire
Started by [Deleted]
On 11 October 2016
Replies 2
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