Polypropylene vs polyester thermals

  • Which do you prefer? I see that Macpac only stocks polyester which is a shame as I am reluctant to move away from polypropylene as it has been so reliable for me in the past. I have read up on in a bit and it seems that polypropylene is warmer and dries faster, so if this is true it's a bit of a mind-boggler as to why they would switch to polyester thermals...? The cynic in me wonders if polyester is cheaper than polypropylene, or they are wanting people to become disgruntled with their polyester thermals and then buy the costly merino stuff instead. Having said all of that I confess to never having actually tried polyester thermals. Anyone actually prefer polyester to polypropylene.
  • I think polyester might be slightly better at wicking than polyprop. Also not as scratchy. Possibly longer lasting. Yes it is a lot cheaper especially if you buy lesser brands of the same quality stuff. I wont mention brands but they are painted red. Ive been wearing polyester shirts for a long time but not so much as a thermal. Even in hot weather they seem fine and are quite resistant to smell even after a few days. If they do smell a normal wash fixes them where once a polyprop starts to smell there isnt much you can do about it. I would still keep both in my gear bag but really when its cold enough for polyprop you might just as well dig for the merino. Remember the fleece you put over the thermal is polyester
  • It depends on when you will be wearing them. As @geeves said, polyester is better at wicking than polyprop so you may want to wear polyester while tramping if its cold. But if your looking at purely hut/camp use thermals - id go with merino 200 weight - it dosent dry as fast as polyprop or poly ester but it is so warm and keeps 80% of its insulation properties when wet. You could use merino while tramping but it not that durable with the rubbing of the pack straps etc... Otherwise id go with polyprop for tramping use
  • Geeves, interesting, I've never had an issue with smell not washing out. Sure, it stinks bad after a couple of days, but after a wash it's fine. I just saw Kathmandu have cheap polyprops, will go with them. But I find it strange Macpac have opted for polyester over polyprop. I'm not a tramper really, just walk to get to the river (although sometimes it becomes like a tramp!). As I'm in the river often the main concern is fast drying, which polyprop seems the best at. Strange that polyester seems to wick better than polyprop, yet polyprop apparently dries faster. I buy too much fishing stuff to have merino kind of money :-P
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 October 2016 at 20:46.
  • Ugh! Polypropylene. Yes, it hardens up if washed in too hot water (I think it's 60 degrees) and does stink. Definitely a polyester girl here. I have one pair of polypro longjohns because the guide on an expedition told me to bring it but it's very seldom worn, As you say, it does dry quicker. Sandflies can bite through I notice...
  • I've found an overnight bath in laundry soaker (Sard or Frend or similar) followed by a standard wash destinks polyprops nicely. I wear merino baselayers these days, or a polyester fast drying tee in hot weather. Polyprops are relegated to knocking around home.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by contour_lines_are_the_enemy
On 2 October 2016
Replies 5
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