10 days in Fiordland, anthing goes. GO!

This topic branched from "5-7 day tramp suggestions please!" on .
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  • Branching off because my original posts no longer reflects my new intentions. If you've got 10 days solo in Fiordland (just out of Great Walks season), what's your creme-de-la-creme of tramping experiences? Please be specific with logistics. And of course, this is in climactic conditions prevalent in the next two weeks (spring, avalanche possible, just shy of the open tramping season). I am not going to get to hit Fiordland with any extended window til mid next year, as my workload is about to ramp up with the pending tourism season. So please, just go all out, and suggest the greatest 10 days in Fiordland I can manage, given the following parameters: 1. I have all gear necessary (ice axe, crampons etc if required). 2. I have studied the theory of avalanches, but personally have zero experience with them (other than to recognise when to avoid them, conservatively). 3. I need to park my car somewhere, and eventually get back to it. In fairly short time. All suggestions absolutely welcome. (PS. I'm not just a newb asking how to enjoy NZ. I'd like to think I contribute somewhat valuable thoughts, opinions and experiences) and am asking people I know I can trust to share their thoughts and opinions on how to BEST spend 10 days solo in Fiordland. There's a difference, yeah? :)
  • Damn it! I can't stand when my spelling and grammar is incorrect, and I've done it in the title; anyTHING goes! :)
  • At this time of the year? There's still a lot of snow around. How about the Hollyford-Pyke circuit? Should take 8 days but could be much longer with flooding delays on the Pyke.
  • Lower level stuff: Green Lake Island Lake area from Borland Saddle or Lake Monowai. South Coast around to Port Craig and beyond. As said above, down the Hollyford, possibly back around the Pyke circuit. Greenstone - Caples (ok, not all in Fiordland, but good views of Fiordland if you start or go through to Key Summit) MacKenzie Hut on the Routeburn and back. Perhaps some snow and a couple of avalanche paths along the way, I'd be more worried if it was raining hard as I was going through that area, should be OK if weather is / has been stable for a while. Get a cheap blow up kayak from the warehouse, paddle around to Sandfly Point and go up the Arthur River to Dumpling Hut for a couple of nights.
  • Are any of the summits around Dumpling hut climbable? (assuming technical grade 1 or less, I know anything climbable if you are skilled/insane enough)
  • the peaks around dumpling hut are vertical or near vertical and wet a lot of the time. lower down you have to get through the forests and undergrowth and moss, you'd be relying on the vegetation to hold for handholds
  • This is a view of the Arthur Valley looking down to Quintin Lodge and across to Mt Pillans, gives you an idea. Thick and untracked bush going to near vertical moss covered rock then even steeper rock, snow and ice. http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000AdbnkT2kgZo/fit=1000x750/Arthur-Valley-32773.jpg
  • Does look like formidable country, although might be able to bash up a route to reach the bushline on the right most spur leading to Mt Elliot... Certainly some steep sections in there to navigate. Remember a few years back reading a blog of some mountaineers who spent in a week or two doing some of the peaks off the Milford track. They set up base camps in a couple of the side valleys. Have not been able to find the blog since... but most of what they were doing is a bit out of my league.
  • mt elliot is pretty much surrounded by major cliffs
  • Some good photos on this trip: http://www.southernalpsphotography.com/Tramping/Fiordland/MacKay-Transit/
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Kreig
On 23 September 2016
Replies 18
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