10 days in Fiordland, anthing goes. GO!

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  • That is the type of trip I would love to do some day, now just need to find the time, and some other crazy people who would do it with me lol. Bet they hated the paddles during the bush bashing.
  • danilo who's photos they are is an extremely experienced mountaineer, he writes moirs guide books.
  • Yes that particular Danilo trip made me green with envy. An absolute cracker! Notice especially the flysheet camping technique they used. Very similar to the type of tent we always used in Dusky Sound ... very quickly you find that letting the water out was more important than anything else.
    This post has been edited by the author on 24 September 2016 at 23:41.
  • Nothing technical like mentioned previously but I really enjoyed the Stillwater. We entered via George Sound Route and exited the same way. Took seven days but could add more with some exploring.
  • Always meeat to do the hump-teal bay-slaughterburn-port craig circuit one winter (before the sandflies work up their beserker bloodlust). Researched but not walked it yet so no usful advice. 5-6 days so time to explore on the way with 10 ...
  • Me too @madpom ! Knew a friend of a friend who did it a few years ago going clockwise around. Said Lake Poteriteri was the most magical place she had ever been to. It's been on my to do list ever since but I never make it down there. I've been to Port Craig when I was in the navy, would be good to back to reminisce. Danilo has done the circuit too, but on steroids, because, well it's Danilo! http://www.southernalpsphotography.com/Tramping/Fiordland/Lake-Mouat-Lake-Monk/i-TpHL5Sw
  • holy shizz! added to bucket list
  • This topic branched to "Possum proof bridges" on . Explore the branch (1 message).
  • That trip is currently WAY out of my league, but hey, the mountains aren't going anywhere, so I'll work up to it. :) Now that I have 12 days not counting travel time, I'm liking the Hollyford/Pyke loop, with the Kepler tacked on before or after the Hollyford, depending on which affords the better weather window. Will take axe and spikes, just in case. Hollyford/Pyke sounds well within my comfort zone. Waterways and West Coast weather are old friends. Kepler will add a bit of wow, and depending on snow conditions, perhaps a bit of a challenge, although I don't expect it will be too much of one. A perfect combination to maximise my time, and being two loop tracks with minor technical consideration, a combination without considerable logistical planning/financial outlay, and thus a great getaway for a couple of weeks before our busy summer season kicks off at work. Cheers for the suggestions team. :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 28 September 2016 at 02:16.
  • Awesome, Krieg! Have a great time on the Pyke. Talk or email DOC Te Anau before you reach the end of the Hollyford Road. I read somewhere that the Pyke route had some track maintenance (finally) done on it a couple of summers ago so you should find it better marked then when I did it in 2008, but check that your map shows the correct path. http://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap?v=2&ll=-44.394651,168.213896&z=14&pin=1 This is incorrect (or at least it was in 2008). The track veers south from the southeastern end of Lake Wilmot. It does not go to the lake outlet. Also, the "track" around Lake Alabaster? Complete fantasy (or at least, again, it was in 2008. Check!). You get around the lake by wading in it for 3 hours. Good times! The track from Long Reef to Penguin Rock is apparently overgrown now. You have to time your walk along the foreshore at low tide so take a tide chart. Martins Bay Lodge can give you weather forecasts if you want them. I found Big Bay hut hard to find when walking clockwise (maybe I'm just an idiot). You'll see a windsock above the beach from a long way down it. if you reach the wind sock you've gone too far north. Look for (in 2008) a pole with a deer stag skull on top and a fishing buoy and take the track there inland past a batch. A sign at a junction points the way to the bridge over the Awarua and to the hut. Take the time to check out Olivine Falls and Humboldt Falls, 2 of my regrets is not looking for them. If the weathers nice leave the track just north of Hokuri Hut (assuming you're going clockwise) and follow the beach all the way to the foot of McKerrow), it's a lovely walk with the sun shining and Hokuri Creek is easily crossed at its mouth. Man, I'm jealous. Want to go back!
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Kreig
On 23 September 2016
Replies 18
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