Dick's Spur: Eastern Kawekas

  • Has anyone used Dicks Spur to access Kaweka Flats from the main range lately. Camp Spur has a good track on it but there is a "gully" between Middle Hill and Kaweka Flats and I believe there used to be a route on Dicks Spur.
  • There still is - I came down it last year and it's so overgrown with wilding pines that I promptly lost the trail and spent an hour bush bashing around before I got back on track. I've heard one of the local tramping clubs has done track clearing work up there recently, so situation may have improved.
  • Thanks hutchk, will report back but not going till september
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by bmackz
On 24 June 2016
Replies 2
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