South Island Winter recommendations for a family

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  • Thanks a lot for all the info - and those photos are mouthwatering. Anything particularly worth doing within a day's drive of Christchurch? We're flying from there, so have to make our way back in that direction at the end. From those weather discussions, maybe it'll turn out that we came to do a winter NZ tramping holiday in the right year....
  • Hi Mount Somers is good as an overnighter (Woolshed Creek or Pinnacles Huts). Its about 90 mins from Christchurch. The track to Woodshed Creek will give you the best views over classing NZ high country (Pinnacles is more river sidling). Both are serviced huts. Or head up towards Arthurs Pass and go up to Bealy Spur Hut. Fantastic views of the Waimakariri river and the Southern Alps from the trig point 30 mins on from the hut. The hut is very basic and rustic. There is firewood (at least there was in the summer) but take warm clothes and sleeping bags as the hut is cold. Good chance of seeing Keas. Once again about 90 mins from Christchurch.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Aedin
On 23 June 2016
Replies 11
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