Nature deficit disorder

  • N D Disorder is being talked about a bit lately. Certainly many of us who spend time in the outdoors find the experience therapeutic and can go into withdrawal if stuck in town too long. I came across these two send up's of Drug Company style ads while surfing youtube ......
  • I get this. Wife usually notices before me and kicks me out of the house :-)
  • So do I. I get very cranky. We have a policy with the two kids of ensuring they're out in nature doing something on a regular and scheduled basis. Of course one of them is only 7 weeks old, so that generally means the garden...he's been as far as Porters Pass though.
  • place i was staying at for the tongariro crossing there was a couple with a toddler. one of them looked after the kid and the other did the crossing, the following day they swapped over to both get their outdoor fix...
  • My partner and I are planning the next twelve months of tramps with our new son. He's 8 weeks away haha.
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Forum The campfire
Started by footsore
On 12 June 2016
Replies 4
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