Lightweight 2 man tent

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  • Hi guys, I'm looking into getting myself a new tent, and have decided to go for a lightweight 2 man this time around. I did have a bit of a look at previous discussions on tents and the like, but didn't see anything that really fit my requirements. Requirements: 2.4 kg maximum weight, Must have enough room lengthwise to accomodate someone 6'2", Vestibule preferably large enough to accomodate a large pack, or cooking in if the weather closes in, Would also like it to be something that stands up to strong wind quite well. Preferably available in nz. Looking at the luxe 2 man tents, they look intriguing. The ones pitched with tramping poles seem like they could be a bit sketchy in wind, which is a concern as over the next few years its likely I will be getting into trips where tops camping is a possibility. Anyone used any of the luxe tents, particularly with regard to wind? Cheers!
  • The Tarptent Scarp 2 meets your requirements although the current exchange rate makes it expensive. Vestibules on both sides (big enough for two people to store a pack and gas cooking on each side - just). I have a Scarp 1 and can attest it's wind performance. Add the cross-poles if you need to handle snow loading. Alternatively, the Wilderness Equipment 1st Arrow also fits your stated needs. It's a tunnel and is brilliant for ventilation, wind tolerance and space. I also have an older (and heavier) 1st Arrow and have been weathered in for 36 hours in the Western Arthurs - found it very comfortable. The one vestibule at the front is big enough for two 10-day packs and two gas cookers.
  • @ bernieq Thanks for the Wilderness Equip mention. Their website is worth a read, especially this page: Makes a number of sound points I hadn't really thought about before.
  • I have had 2 terra Nova tents. current one is Photo 2, weighs 980 gms. Big Agnes make some lightweight tents as well. anything over 1 kg seems uneccesary to me (for a 3 season tent)
  • should be Photon. cant seem to edit posts
  • exped make very high quality gear. macpac have a few models in that weight range
  • Cheers guys, A lot of brands I hadn't really bothered looking at because I haven't seen them available over here. Should probably have another look at the macpac stuff. Suppose I should really have mentioned the absolute upper end of my budget would be about 400, as I do happen to be a student, and unfortunately financially limited. Would be curious if anyone has anything specific to say about the luxe tents performance in general, as they are available in nz, and seem quite light, although I would potentially be concerned about some of their models in wind? Reason for upgrading tent is partly down to me wanting to do the Hillary Trail with some mates this winter, and wanting something a bit roomier than my kathmandu mono to stay in in the evenings if the weather is foul, and given 2 man tents that are less, the same, or ever so slightly more, in weight are available, I feel like its not a bad idea to upgrade anyway, given I'm looking at doing more longer trips and that soon. Got kinda sick about having to cuddle up to my pack while sleeping (Damp packs make terrible bedmates) , and having nowhere to cook, and my sleeping bag touching both ends of the tent inner. I suppose my other option is to get a larger, lighter weight tarp than my current cheap blue tarp, and have that as a bit of extra space, but its probably not as ideal an option as a larger tent is. Thanks for all your help.
  • @size12: Regarding snuggling up to a damp pack in a one PERSON tent: there is the option of emptying the pack and placing it under your feet with your mattress possibly long enough to cover the damp pack. Often the ground has a bit of a slope and the pack under the feet can help level things up a bit. I did a 54 day trip and of the 46 days we stayed in the tent, we only had a level campsite once.
  • Your original post stated a target weight of 2.4kg which is actually quite heavy. I achieved that weight with a warehouse Takaka 4 man dome with the fibreglass poles changed out to alloy and still using steel pegs. Its still a bulky tent though so would have to tie to the outside of the pack. Tent plus poles from aliexpress came in barely over half your budget. How that tent would handle snow or very high wind though Im not sure We have camped in fairly arduous camping conditions in it but not alpine extremes. Still a tent you can kneel up in is nice. Another option if you belong to a tramping club they might be able to rent you a tent
  • @Honora Cheers for the tip on levelling things up a bit. That could be useful to remember in the future! @geeves 2.4kg was an absolute maximum, Current one man tent supposedly weighs 1.8kg although Ive measured it as closer to two. I figured I wouldn't mind carrying 400g or so more for having a bit more space. The tramping club I'm part of is all BYO gear, as is my venturer group (Well, Vents has a few tents, but not that you'd want to carry or use). And my mono suffices much of the time. Found the Wild Country Zephyros 2 available at a few places for $250 - 280. Seems a reasonable tent (And weighs 1.8kg, so similar weight to my current one man) from what I can find about it on the internet, Looks to be most of what I'd want in a tent. Anyone have experience with one? Cheers.
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 June 2016 at 11:41.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Size12
On 11 June 2016
Replies 18
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