Steele Creek Track / Hut

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  • Love the Kay Creek Hut pic. Reminds me of Lake Alexander Hut where I grew up tramping. Couldn't believe people didn't consider these type of huts normal.
  • Thanks for the info. In the end I went over Sugarloaf Pass and up to Theatre Flat for the night, camped in the trees near the swing that Yarmoss mentions. Couldn't camp under overhanging rocks due to the curtain of ice daggers hanging from the drip line. Went an hour or so further up the valley this morning before returning. Not too much snow on the passes at the moment - Sugarloaf Pass had some snow on it, but tussock still showing through. Park Pass looked to be similar. Anyone for a June 5 passes trip?
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Ian_H
On 29 May 2016
Replies 11
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