Posting photos in a thread

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  • Not many seem to be doing so, is it encouraged, discouraged? Just wondering if it causes our Host any issues. Anyway, the how to as far as I have found: Photos need to be uploaded to some other web based photo hosting service. I've used dropbox, putting photos in my public folder then copying the 'public link', pasting it into the post, then the picture appears in that place in the post. Presumably it would work the same with Flickr or any other photo hosting / sharing network including Facebook etc?
  • facebook you might need a logon befor you can view, and depends on privacy settings matthew hasnt stated any limitations on photos
    This post has been edited by the author on 28 May 2016 at 15:31.
  • Ive even grabbed photos direct from a google image search and put them up. Just google something select images then view image and post the link The photo is not stored here so no impact on Matthews server however you can end up with dead links if a picture is removed You can also link from the photos page
    This post has been edited by the author on 28 May 2016 at 16:26.
  • Let's test this out. I have tried to place a publically shared photo from the Facebook Page "Charlie Douglas Centennial Celebrations". I chose the "embed" function under "options" for this photo. Comes back with an error window. Strangely it appears under the forum topics but not under the thread. Think I'll leave this up to the pros...
    This post has been edited by the author on 28 May 2016 at 16:50.
  • 2 deleted messages from Ian_H
  • Yes, tried to paste a picture from the "Charlie Douglas Centennial Celebrations" Facebook page, got only the link showing, not the picture. I don't use Facebook anyway, so not an issue for me. I find dropbox easiest: just drag a picture to the dropbox public folder on my laptop, copy the public link, paste it in.
  • Get the picture on facebook to come up as a link that ends in .JPG Facebook can be a fiddle to do this You will have a link looking almost like http;facebook,com/mypictureishere.jpg copy and paste the link and it will work
  • Here is me testing the dropbox theory
  • 1 deleted message from deepriver
  • Nope, I'm only pasting the link. I can't find a 'public link' anywhere and I see that 'public folders' are no longer available except in Dropbox Pro. Any more hints would be appreciated.
  • Ok, I have had a dropbox account for a long time, maybe they've taken that feature out of current free accounts? Within my dropbox folder I have a folder called "Public" Any file I put in there, I can right click (control-click on a mac), and get a "Copy Public Link" option, then I paste that link into the Reply box where I'm composing a message and the picture appears in the post. Thusly: I'm on a mac, but the only difference should be right click vs control-click.
  • 2 deleted messages from Briar
  • Tried pasting a link from a dropbox file but have the same problem as Deepriver. "Upgrade to Dropbox Pro to enable permission settings." Trying now with Google Drive
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Forum This website
Started by Ian_H
On 28 May 2016
Replies 21
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