Boots: Has anyone got a pair of Lowa Tibet GTX

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  • Not sure how they'd determine that, but with the way things can be tested these days would you want to risk it? I actually find them to be good boot products, and the guy at the store threw in a couple of tubes free for me, 4 years on and I'm still using them from when I originally purchased.
  • @Keli, did you see my post on Buying Boots Online: Gun City online have Tibets for an eye-watering $700! There's a branch in Wellington if you still wanted to try them on... Give them a ring to see if they have them in stock. Most shops will bring them in for you to try. Consider Scarpa as well, their boots are made in Italy and of superb quality. And a little less expensive.
  • 1 deleted message from [Deleted]
  • No worries Keil. The website says "GTX" so I assumed that was the one you were looking at. Cheeky to expect people to pay top price for the non Goretex version.
    This post has been edited by the author on 18 May 2016 at 19:22.
  • 1 deleted message from [Deleted]
  • It's essentially the same boot. Lowa made some 'improvements' to the original about 18 months or so ago. I've compared the new one to my own - hardly a difference. The newer version has ball bearing in the lacing loops so laces run more smoothly through. I think from memory the rand may be smaller on the new model, not sure why. They also say the new version is a bit softer with more flex in the ankle. I wouldn't get too hung up on whether it says Pro in the name or not!
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Forum Gear talk
Started by [Deleted]
On 11 May 2016
Replies 24
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