Overnight Track from Te Anau in Winter

  • Hi there, My wife and I will be visiting Te Anau in August from Aus. We love hiking are looking for advice on a good 2 day/1 night track in Winter. We are experienced hikers, and have done many overnight tracks before. However, aside from my backcountry snowboard avalanche training, we don't have much knowledge or experience hiking in winter climates. We've looked at Kepler or Routeburn, although they seem a bit too long. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated :-) Thanks, Tom
  • you'll be looking at an out and back trip. you can still get to iris burn hut from rainbow reach , or for a really long day from the control gates or te anau, and luxmore hut, although luxmore will be very cold. you can get to mackenzie hut, there is a bit of avalanche danger to mackenzie, just dont do it after a big snow dump, again it will be very cold, or mckeller hut on the greenstone or for a long day the greenstone hut. there also the hollyford. check with DOC but i believe you can get to the first hut on the milford track without crossing avalanche paths.
  • There's also the Kiwi Burn and Mavora Lakes area, all low level stuff, or you could go into the Takatimus from Princhester hut. Green Lake hut would be doable as well, probably a bit of snow on the saddle but no avalanche shoots.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by tmiddled
On 17 March 2016
Replies 2
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