Brit registered PLB ?.

  • ""An injured English climber trapped in a tight steep gully in the Aoraki Mt Cook National Park alerted the United Kingdom Coastguard to get help. The 64-year-old Leeds man, who was climbing solo on the western slopes of Mt Mabel, 7km south of Mt Cook, activated his UK-registered personal locator beacon after slipping on snow and injuring his leg on rocks about 8pm on Sunday. The UK Coastguard, which handles beacon registration in the United Kingdom, notified the Rescue Coordination Centre in New Zealand. Search and rescue mission coordinator Dave Wilson said the Greymouth rescue helicopter, which was equipped with night vision equipment, flew to the mountain, picking up a member of the alpine cliff rescue team from Fox Glacier village on the way."" Would NZ SAR have tuned onto the signal once alerted ?. Could that happen if we did the same over there ?.
  • Yep. But the RCCNZ would have received info about the registration, and who owned it, from its UK counterpart.
  • beacons work in most places across the globe, all the coding registering of the beacon does is determine which countries rescue organisation gets alerted first about the beacon going off, then they pass the information onto any relevant rescue agency in the country where the beacon went off, if an agency exists in the country. although the nation of origin where its registered may use any contact information that is on the beacon registration to double check the likely validity of the alert before they pass on the alert to the country of the alert.
  • I don't want to sound ageist, but 8pm at night? Was he traversing over from Husky Flat and bit off more than he could chew? If he was then heading down the western side late in the day it would've be a slush fest.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Pro-active
On 11 January 2016
Replies 3
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