Another exciting day in the hills

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  • I could make some really rude comments (some may even consider them racial), yet once again these types of tourists astound us with their level of arrogance and ignorance.
    This post has been edited by the author on 10 December 2015 at 18:25.
  • market it, and they will come...
  • It's not a race, it's a religion...
  • I think you will find it's actually a race. There are Christian Israelis aswell as Muslim Israelis too. Very few Tramping Israelis, and as we know, tramping is a religion.
  • Israel is a country. We're talking about nationalities (if we're talking about Israelis ?). Or are we talking about ill-prepared risk takers ?.
    This post has been edited by the author on 10 December 2015 at 20:26.
  • A lot of tramping Israelis up the Matukutuki today ... outnumbered only by Aussies. And sandflies.
  • "It's not a race, it's a religion..." Well they do say there is safety in speed ....
  • Yes sorry, poor choice of words. Let's call it a dominant national attitude that affects how the world sees us Is prone to generalization and stereotyping but is often an accurate assessment of core nationalistic attitudes( especially if religion is attached to it) Kiwis, Aussies, Americans and so on, all have a social disposition based on where we reside. And my experience with young Israelis is they usually come out here before or after compulsory military training and they don't like anyone telling them they can't do something. Bulletproof is the word But not rock proof in this case
  • More detail :
  • not enough detail in that report to comment. By not enough gear were they in our standard tourist wear of t shirt and shorts or where they in standard normal tramping gear and found themselves unexpectedly in ice or were they equipped to the point where only the military and winter guides carry more gear? How much does the policeman know about correct gear? It could be a case of the guide books saying this is a trampable route but local weather conditions caught them out being icyer than expected in what is now supposed to be summer.
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Forum The campfire
Started by strider
On 10 December 2015
Replies 18
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