Dart - Rees Valleys Mid March 2010

  • Hi, Im looking at doing the Dart/Rees track 3rd week of March (flexible with dates though). Thinking of doing it in 4-5 days with a side day trip up to Cascade Saddle from Dart Hut. Looking for someone to do it with. Thanks. Pippa.
  • Hi, how flexible are you with dates? I'm going to be in NZ from 29th March, and am keen for a 4-5 day trek of this nature, but probably couldn't start until 30th - 31st March
  • sorry Annette, i did this track just a few days ago. Im keen to do some others in April so if you have any ideas let me know. Pip
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by pippa1
On 28 February 2010
Replies 2
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