Favourite outdoor web sites

  • Hi What outdoor web sites do you go to (apart from this one) to while away the hours when you're not tramping/getting outside? My favourites include: Adventure Journal - interesting stories, news and essays http://adventure-journal.com Semi-Rad - a lighter look at outdoor life, with some insightful writing http://semi-rad.com Dirtbag Diaries - the best general outdoor podcast with a mix of stories and interviews. Worth subscribing to http://dirtbagdiaries.com Mountain Meister - a podcast focused on interviews with outdoor athletes http://mtnmeister.com Alastair Humphreys - micro-adventure ideas, and longer expeditions http://www.alastairhumphreys.com Andy Kirkpatrick - a very open, honest and funny look into the psyche of a mountaineer http://andy-kirkpatrick.com Windy Hilltops - trip reports and insightful writing from Izogi http://www.windy.gen.nz
  • Fishnhunt.co.nz
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Forum The campfire
Started by TheGoodLife
On 5 December 2015
Replies 1
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