E. J. Kime

  • Does anyone happen to know the full name, or even the first name, of E. J. Kime after whom Kime Hut was named? (He died in the winter of 1922 after surviving 5 days numb in a ditch in the snow, but then being fed some brandy with when they got him to Alpha Hut.) I thought Chris McLean's Tararua History book would have his full name, but even that only refers to him as E. J. Kime whilst using the full names of a variety of others. Thanks for any help with this.
  • I wonder if someone in the Tararua Tramping Club might be able to help you. These older clubs tend to have a rich history and there is always someone in the club who ius dedicated to recording it.
  • Thanks for the tip, but I've got it. It was Esmond James Kime. I also asked in the WTMC forum (which was easy), and someone pointed out that the National Library's digitised many of its old newspapers for online search. This turned up a couple of references in 1915 (examination results for E.J. Kime, and a reference to an Esmond Kime being in hospital from a bicycle accident). Then it clicked that I could check out hatch, match & dispatch which also has historical records digitised. There's an Esmond James Kime who died age 24 in 1922, and that's good enough for me. There are some additional details and links to the references in the other forum thread at http://www.wtmc.org.nz/forum/read.php?5,6214 Cheers and thanks for the help.
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Forum The campfire
Started by izogi
On 26 February 2010
Replies 2
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