
  • I have just seen a newspaper report that has refered to the Prime Minister as "PM Key" I just want to assure all the good people on this forum that I am not John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand.
  • That rules him out then, but I'm still not sure you're not ex PM ClarKE either. She was know to like to odd wander into the back blocks... and you know what they did with Photoshop, so I don't believe any photo :)
  • Now that you mention it........I seem to recall a shot of Aunty wearing pmcke's hat wandering around some DOC unveiling i think you could be right its amazing what they can do with an airbrush
  • I am starting to wish i had never brought up this subject now.
  • He'd probably be a better PM than JK - at least he wouldn't start digging bloody great mines in our National Parks. Pimkey for PM I say!!!
  • At the risk of getting my head lobbed off - I'd offer up 2% of the conservation estate if it meant national wealth like Australia, especially if 95% of that 2% lies in areas which are of low conservation value in the first place. (now you've done it PM pmcke! ;)) How many times don't we tramp past old mines and think it's rather cool? Lots of our tracks and routes wouldn't be there if it wasn't for mining. That said - I understand that people want none of it touched. Fair enough... as long as you accept that we will be less wealthy as a nation. (That's me screwed around here ;))
  • I am not against mining, it could even provide the funding to help maintain areas of even higher conservation value.
  • Not necessarily MistaB. I agree with the idea but obviously there are some areas of high conservation value that shouldnt be touched. And lets hope the profits stay in NZ.
  • King Canute im not at least we can do some things different to 100 years ago and insist on something going back. With the right constraints there is no reason why it cant be mined and preserved. Id rather we mined it than have someone at a later date turn up and take it out of our control. And if you think it couldnt happen......
  • Its OK pmcke im told a weeks a long time in politics!
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Forum The campfire
Started by pmcke
On 24 February 2010
Replies 9
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