Junction Top to Te More - Kaimanawa's

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  • Bugger.
  • I got the email as well, it does go on to say you can approach ETLT individually by calling the secretary Russell Feist 04 4941595 or visit their website www.easttaupolands.co.nz Perhaps lots of people calling might convince them their is a market
  • 1 deleted message from bmackz
  • Who is this email from? Who was it sent out to? Tramping clubs, a list..? The link on the East Taupo Lands web site is dated 25 Jan, which is about the same time as the notice on the FMC site http://www.fmc.org.nz/notices-to-trampers/
  • email was from doc to a list of people who had approached them in recent times re access
  • the email was a result of a meeting which occured yesterday
  • Hi yes - I just received the same email from Terry Slee - via Dave Lumley - the reason I was sent this is I have been pestering Dave for updates on negotiations since February. I have also emailed Tongariro Aviation - asking for info on possible tramping permits - but have not had a reply. Obviously they see the value in catering to Hunters/Anglers - and providing areas with no other people in - so that those Hunters return again and again.
  • Just got a copy of the said letter from Terry myself. Yes, sad news. While one must always respect someone elses property rights, Air Charter Taupo did keep the permit system going by enforcing it. They had people on the ground handing out trespass notices to those who infringed. I wonder if this will happen under the new reigeme. There will be plenty of hunters who will be in there poaching, plus trampers who will take their chances. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
  • Yes agree re Air Charter - did hear of someone encountering a chap with a briefcase - who jumped out from a bush and issued a trespass notice when they failed to produce a permit from ACT - I guess it will be easy for hunters to poach on the fringes - but harder for trampers who may want to cross (say from Boyd/Cascade to Waipakihi) as would be on the tops a lot longer and more likely to get buzzed by a choppa... anyone know of the ramifications/penalties for being caught tramping (i.e. not poaching) - trespass? fine?
  • It would come under the trespass act. From memory,in the first instance they can warn you off the property, in the second instance they can issue a trespass notice which makes it an offence for you to enter that property for 2 years. I believe Air Charter were issuing trespass notices in the first instance, not sure how legal that was. But I think you have to be a little careful here because if you are flouting the law by hoping you won't be detected because it is a remote place, you probably can't rely on the protection of the law if you are caught. If someone gave you a bit of a hiding out there in the bushes then it might be a bit hard to prove. There was the case here in Rotorua where, Steve Collins, the Leasee of Mt Tarawera was charged with assault (the weapon was a helicopter, would you believe) on someone he found on the mountain. It went to a jury trial and he was aquitted.
  • Just been looking at the route up Mingimingi Stream over to Mangamaire on WAMS. Seems to be the shortest 'gap' between the Kawekas and the Kaimanawa Ranges - with a marginal strip running almost all the way up Mingimingi stream. However, there's still a 2km gap over the saddle from Mingimingi Stream to the Mangamaire River. A glance at East Taupo Lands Block website seems to show that they own only the north side of Mingimingi Stream, which if so means this route is outside their control. Any ideas who owns the land to the south of Mingimingi Saddle where the track over to Mangamaire goes, and whether they allow tramping access?
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by CraigNZ
On 22 February 2010
Replies 22
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