Waimana valley parking ...

  • Any thoughts on safety of parking in the Waimana Valley (Uruwera) in the vicinity of the Matihi Bridge? The usual roadend risks, or a spot to avoid? In the case of it being a 'no. no.' , suggestions of an alternative? Don't mind paying if there's a business / individual who are likely to allow safe parking. And if it's no go - what about the Waiotahi valley as an alternative?
    This post has been edited by the author on 31 August 2015 at 11:09.
  • Haven't got a map nearby at the moment. Is the Lion's Hut on Matahi Rd close enough? Might be people staying there, which would make it a safe option.
  • Thanks for that Fruitbat. Both that and the adventure lodge are a long way further up the valley than I'd planned starting. Been given a fluer for a place that used to do parking 2km down from Matahi Bridge, ut phone disconnected n no answer to email yet. Will assess when I get there, I guess, and maybe start my loop further upstream at lions or ad enture lodge if that seems best.
  • Have any luck? Where are you heading off to this time?
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by madpom
On 31 August 2015
Replies 3
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