Annual Get-together?

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  • I don't know whether this has ever been considered. But one day I thought it would be nice to meet some of these New Zealand Tramper people in person! Have I missed something. Perhaps. But it occurred to me that it might be good to meet up in an annual event. Something low key, without too much fuss. What do others think?
  • Yes, there was this thread earlier in the year.
  • Thanks for the thread link, Peter. I obviously did miss this. Cheers ....
  • I think this is a great idea -- but I think it would really work as a low key meet-up in the shorter term. One approach might be to meet up for a day walk and BBQ for example. I could help organise one in Christchurch if there were takers...
  • Sounds like a great idea, unfortunately there are quite a few memebers who live on the other side of the ditch. Maybe we could have our own meet up some time? Just a thought.....!
  • Good thought.... Though, the strange thing is this ...... I suspect that many of these members who live on the other side of the ditch (and beyond!) might just be prepared to make the effort to attend a low-key event like a day walk get-together and BBQ in Christchurch as suggested by Matthew. You just never know! (I live and work in HK!)
  • It's not about effort, it's about time and money, unless of course you're offering to pay?
  • Thanks. Point taken, but I suspect I am the only one in my neck of the woods who is a member!
  • Im in Chch. A day walk and a BBQ sounds good if it eventuates.
  • You'd have to provide a lead time of a couple of months wouldn't you? That would make it winter. Wouldn't summer be better?
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Forum The campfire
Started by Roderick
On 22 February 2010
Replies 10
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