Discounter Airlines flying to NZ

  • Hello. Very important question for me, I'm pretty much sure that locals must know it. Which discounter airlines fly to NZ from the other countries? I know JetStar, maybe there are others? I need this info as normally discounter airlines are not tracked in services like skyscanner or aviasales so in order to find cheapest possible flight I need to check airline website directly. Previously I used China southern to get to NZ from Russia, but due to RUR exchange rate collapse the prices raised 1.5x times. So need to check for other opportunities :) Thx in advance for help.
  • I'm not certain about airlines, but I suspect you'll not be in luck. Sometimes there are good deals, but NZ's a bit far out of the way to be very economical for the extremely low cost types of airlines that exist in places like Europe. You could scan the online Arrivals and Departures list for Auckland Airport and see if anything sticks out. I have a feeling that you'll only see the standard major operators, plus anyone code-sharing with them, though.
  • Sounds not too optimistic. Jet has the good deals, BUT it flies through Australia where visa requirements are really inadequate (and yes, you need a visa even if you're flying transit flight).
  • Is it because you're Russian that you need a transit visa for Australia? Normally I'd have thought that if you're not leaving the international area of the airport then they wouldn't care, and this page lists a heap of exceptions, but I see Russia's not on it.
  • Correct. It's because of my country of origin. We have to obtain transit visa, even if we are not leaving international area of the airport. And transit AU visa application is 2x more complicated vs. NZ tourist visa. :)
  • 1 deleted message from Pipe King
  • The only other 'discount' airline is Virgin Blue (ex-Pacific Blue) But that doesn't help you as its connecting flights are all via Aus. And ... when I looked a week ago for flights to Aus, the prices of all of them were pretty much the same in price: Jetstar, AirNZ, Quantas, Virgin Blue. Some days one was cheaper, other days another. seems to display flights for all the international airlines flying from NZ, including the discount ones. The only things they don't have are the local internal airlines flying between local airports with their 8-13 seaters: air2there, soundsair, oamaru air services, and maybe others in the far north.
  • I've often got good deals by booking on a 'Star Alliance' or 'Air NZ Co-operation Partner' airline and then finding myself travelling on a regular Air NZ flight but much cheaper than the person sitting next to me! This was many years ago so not sure who is the best these days. Used to be Japan Airlines or Cathay Pacific. Used to always book Japan Airlines to Vancouver and often found myself travelling on other airlines all the way there, and back - the comparative luxury of Air NZ and the much poorer quality Canada Airlines or United.
  • There is a site which helps you arrange internships in New Zealand, but also assists in finding cheap flight tickets. However, this would concern a working holiday visa, instead of a simple tourist/transit one.
  • have recently started flying to Auckland again. Looks like they transit through various asian ports, might be worth a look.
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Forum Visiting New Zealand
Started by Dr_On
On 15 July 2015
Replies 8
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