Forums moderation

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  • Hi, In the interests of transparency, I have posted some guidelines on forums moderation here. In general, the principle is to make the minimum intervention necessary that restores order. Your feedback is welcome.
  • thanks for that Matthew. clarifies things better. looks good.
  • I agree. Looks good and fair.
  • Crystal clear. A little latitude on the 'campfire' threads maybe ?. When they wander they sometimes kick up gems.
  • as far as topic wandering, depends, for a serious discussion, i dont like topic wandering. some topics need to stay on track. I don't care if the topic wanders when its a more light hearted thread. might be down to the OP to decide if they will tolerate wandering, although remember there is the branch topic option that should be exercised when people want to do so.
  • I don't mind topic wandering so much, if only because it's been that way here for as long as I can remember and it'd probably take considerable moderation tools and effort to change that, if other forums are anything to go by. How about ways to nominate and label topics in conversations, or parts of conversations, after they've occurred? ie. make it easier to find them without cutting down on people's ability to be flexible when stuff comes to mind? Make it easier ( somehow) to jump between the parts of threads which are related without being distracted by stuff in between.
  • Yeah, I agree with Wayno on that one. For the record, 9 times out of 10, I don't mind if the discussion wanders off a topic that I've started. I enjoy the organic nature of conversation. Every once in a blue moon, I might gently suggest a return to topic or veer it away from the direction it appears to be going, but I'm no dictator about it. If someone else posts a topic, I try to stay on topic, out of respect. But if I post a topic - well, I'm just a dirty ol' Aussie turncoat anyhoo - so I don't really mind (unless it's extreme) where it goes. :)
  • My feeling is that if the OP feels the topic is wandering then their requests to branch it should be respected. If necessary I could add the ability for the OP to force a branch or to close the topic.
  • sounds like a good option matthew
  • Hi @Matthew. If you do something like that, is it feasible to add an ability to create branches from closed topics? I don't really like the idea that someone could state something and then outright shut down debate by closing the thread, and set things up so it's difficult for someone who stumbles on the thread a year later to locate any criticism which occurred. From time to time I've also now come across closed topics in the forums, where it'd make some sense to be able to connect a new thread back to the old one because they're so similar.
    This post has been edited by the author on 13 July 2015 at 09:59.
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 9 July 2015
Replies 15
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