Looking for tramping partner(s)

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  • I will be on the south island from march 11th until april 22nd and cannot wait to do some nice backpacking tours, which will hopefully be even nicer with good company! It´s my first time to New Zealand and I am open for suggestions, so far I planned to travel to Steward Island, Routeburn track (or region), Mt Owen etc. I am an experienced female backpacker from Germany (37 for those who think it´s important) and bring a nice light 3 seasons-tent and a stove with me. I will fly in/ out from Christchurch and it might be best to go for the Alps first, before there is too much snow. Looking forward to!
  • I'm flying into Christchurch from Oz on the 13th and will be heading down to QT the same day, so if you're still arond and fancy either of the Caples-Greenstone or Keppler, please feel free to get in touch?
  • Hi there! That sounds great, I planned to recover a day from jetlag and have a look around anyway, thus I will be in Christchurch until the 13th. Greenstone and Kepler both sound good, maybe the first one is easier as a start, though Kepler is very tempting, too. Anyway, would be nice to get in touch. For how long will you stay?
  • I have to fly back to Oz from Christchurch on the 22nd or 23rd of March. Still to make the flight bookings, which I will do this weekend. I'm easy about whichever tramp as I haven't done any of these yet. Did the Rees-Dart last March and it was great. If anyone else wants to come along they're most welcome. Please do stay in touch.
  • Hi Normclimb! Sorry, have been away for a few days. Is there a way we can get in contact directly or exchange e-mail adresses? To bad you cannot stay longer. Once in that region, I would like to do the Routeburn afterwards, so if anybody else wants to join in (guess it would be around the 21st March), just let me know!
  • Hi Mia You can contact me through this site via my profile pr by email at: normclimb at yahoo.com.au Yes it is a pity I can't stay longer but sadly I have to return to work............!
  • Hi Mia The 21st March sounds good for me to do something around the Fiordland area, Routeburn would be ok, or any other tramps in the area.can email me on [Email address removed], if interested. Cheers. Simon
  • Hi Simon, it might well be that I will tramp routeburn around that time. Let me figure out the details, then I will come back to you!
  • Hey Simon, I did a preliminary booking of the routeburn track for the 22nd March starting at the swing bridge, with stops in routeburn falls hut and mackenzie campsite. I might have to change that booking, but will decide on the 14th, the latest. Is that okay for you?
  • I live in Christchurch and will be around most weekends except for Easter which I am hoping to camp and tramp at Mt Cook. Thursday 1st April -Tuesday 6th April. If you would like to meet in Arthurs Pass for a day trip or weekend tramp then I am available. Some food for thought.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by MiaMia
On 18 February 2010
Replies 12
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