Tramp vs Hobo

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  • Ha Kreig! You don't know my friend! He would be the very last person to "leech" off someone. (OK I know you didn't say that, but there was an inference) Some people, including my friend, see things at deeper (or higher?!) levels than others do. Thus the outward action, or appearance, may appear one way but, in reality, comes from a totally different direction. (See "The Matrix" movie) Thus he was not reliant on leeching off others, but was trusting that Something (God, the Universe, Love, Whatever you might want to call IT) would provide. And IT always did, and he is still alive to tell the tale. I'm sure all those who helped sustain him on his Journey, did so with some form of love. Maybe you have a problem with 'receiving'? lol If a person, such as him, always gives out Love (which he does) he will receive it back (even if in the form of 'joints'! lol). On the other hand if someone always gives out hate, that's what they will get back. Same with 'leeching'! (Mail me if you want to pursue this subject privately.)
  • I understand the concept. However, I need to be able to provide for myself. Doesn't mean that I am unable or unwilling to receive, just that I don't wish to have to rely on others.
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • Hey guys, normally I not only don't care if the topic gets lost in one of my threads, I actually enjoy seeing where it goes. But I'm not interested in talking about drugs of any description in this thread, so if you want to, please just branch the topic. Cheers.
  • 2 deleted messages from pipeking
  • Talking about swaggies (instead of cannabis), in the 1920's my Dad used to live in Woodlands which was a day's walk for a swaggie from Invercargill. As his father was a parson, they had a good reputation and the swaggies used to stop there for the night. His parents usually got them to chop wood and then they'd give them a meal, and a place to sleep. My parents used to tell a joke about a swaggie who had a trick of asking housewives for salt to put on a dried out old cowpat to make it more flavoursome. This gambit worked until he asked a mean Scotswoman who said, Och laddie, I'll gie ye a fresh one! The swaggies were honest and respected but I think nowadays people might be a bit more nervous of having them stay the night. One time in the 1960's my sister got up and wandered into the spare room to play and discovered a tramp asleep there who'd crawled in through the front sash window to have a sleep (we never locked our doors in those days - nothing worth stealing except the valve radio maybe?). My parents served him breakfast - it would have been bacon and eggs - and sent him on his way. No drama. How times and people have changed.
  • A good book to read if you get the chance is “High Endeavour by William Vance” It is an excellent history of the South Island high country stations Chpt 11 “Swaggers” “Swaggers were confident of food and shelter from stations, because of the unwritten law amongst runholders that every swagger should be provided with an evening meal, sleeping accommodation for a night, and breakfast. A swagger who arrived on a Saturday was allowed to stay until Monday morning, and, when leaving, was usually given food for his journey. Huts were set aside for them on larger stations, where as many as thirty swaggers sometimes arrived on a single evening”
    This post has been edited by the author on 4 July 2015 at 16:04.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Kreig
On 30 June 2015
Replies 15
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