
  • Map shows Pylon Gully as a shortcut to return to car. Is this viable? Thanks
  • Hmm. Can't speak from experience, but the route crosses private land:,5230486,1500350,5237669 But looks doable if permission is not an issue. Used to be a track through there in 1979:
  • I went over it in 1974 so that's not much help!
  • We left a mountain bike and cycled back for the car. By road, less than 1/2 an hour.
  • Same. I have a crappy road-end mountain bike specifically for this purpose. It's a nice ride. Another tip is to leave your car at the Cass railway station where there are security cameras.
    This post has been edited by the author on 26 June 2015 at 10:37.
  • Once left an old 90s MTB hidden in the bush at the Kelly Tops track carpark... Came back three days later to find it covered in muck and the bag wth helmet inside kicked/rolled around the forest floor a long way from the bike. We figured possums had been having a grand old time. It's hairy riding on SH73 as trucks can't give you much room...
  • Bike would be much better....that's not a fun road to walk! Plenty of good, off the road places to stash it at the Cora Lynn end as the carpark is a good 500m up a farm driveway.
    This post has been edited by the author on 28 June 2015 at 00:34.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by vic008
On 25 June 2015
Replies 6
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