Huts or tents?

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  • I'm very curious; are you, a person on this forum (whom I respect a whole bunch), usually a hut-tramper or a tent-tramper? And if you take the time to reply, can you please explain why? I'm genuinely interested. Cheers.
  • Always a tent, unless it's far too windy to allow sleep. I just prefer the freedom, getting away from the snorers etc. And also having a tent gives me piece of mind and more confidence, as a DOC track map has led me astray before, and I've also lost the track numerous times, although this is mostly due to following the river rather than the track much of the time. From memory the only time I stayed in a hut was to get out of a snow storm. Was pretty glad to find the hut late in the day on that occasion!
    This post has been edited by the author on 7 June 2015 at 04:35.
  • I still prefer to be under a beech tree, or a tent, then a hut (plus ear plugs! lol ), but I have 2 excuses:- 1. My partner has problems sleeping on the ground with her back. But she's just bought a 'Neoair' so that, hopefully, will change. 2. My age! The comforts of a hut are more appealing now. Also I once had cramp so bad I couldn't get into the tent and when I did I took ages to get into my sleeping bag! lol Have now got some magnesium tablets but have yet to try them.
  • Tent in Summer, always nowadays because most the huts around here are over crowded with mainly foreigners and whilst I don't have anything against tourists at all, their presence just detracts from the experience I am seeking. And huts in winter because they are usually empty then and I am too soft now to winter camp :)
  • Generally use huts if they're there and not too overcrowded, weighing 46kg I like to not carry a tent when possible (emergency shelter much lighter but not comfy, bugs love to bite me). Maybe should invest in a lighter tent :-) Mine is 3.8kg.
  • I like camping but not adverse to using a hut if its there. Its easier to cook etc in a hut but often they are too hot.
  • I camp year round. I genuinely enjoy being outside in all weather and feel much closer to the elements in a tent than I do in a hut. I also like being able to set up wherever I find a good spot, and the feeling of being completely self sufficient.
  • I like huts but as you say above, there are the downsides. If I camp, I always feel closer to nature. We always carry a tent (1.6kg) or at least a fly.
  • As I age I prefer more comfort, huts are good. I find agility wise tents are becoming more troublesome, thinking of trying a hammock the forest areas.
  • I prefer sleeping out, in my sleeping bag under the stars, until the weather is less than perfect. I like bivvy rocks, just a small group of humans finding that bit of the natural environment that suits our need for shelter. I like a tent fly, keeps away that rain while leaving me in touch with just about everything else; until too many insects also want to keep in touch. Tents - all the shelter we need, almost whenever and where ever we choose, right there when we need it, in the top of my pack. I like huts, as well as the sound of a storm on the other side of that roof, there is the strong connection with all the others who have come before. And I like lodges, to a point, partly the view out the windows and mostly the connection and conversations with so many enthusiasts from around the planet. Most of all I'm very pleased that we have the choice.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Kreig
On 7 June 2015
Replies 26
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