'Everest' - the Hollywood movie

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  • Not wishing to start a firestorm but....anyone, client or guide who climb the 8000 meter mountains know what a risk it is. It isn't called the "dead zone" for nothing. Sure, the guides have a duty of care to their clients and you have to applaud Rob Hall for staying with his client, it was a brave thing to do. Once that storm rolled in it was either get down to the South Col or die. He had to know what the outcome was going to be. But, people need to take a bit of responsibility for their own well being. If you do something dangerous and it catches up with you, you have only yourself to blame.
  • no, rob was hoping that someone would get more bottled oxygen up to him, he wasnt expecting to die when he initially stopped with his client. he'd been lucky in his previous guiding years on everest he'd never been hit by a heavy storm, the forecasts werent very good back then, nowhere near as accurate as they can be today, it was educated guess work, they didnt know the full impact of what was coming and the effect it would have.
    This post has been edited by the author on 8 June 2015 at 17:54.
  • U571 wasn't inspired by a true story. The actual U571 was caught with their pants down, napping on the surface, and and allied plane (can't remember if it was UK or Oz) sunk it. I met the rear gunner of the plane. Plus America had nothing to do with cracking Enigma. That was the Brits.
  • 3 deleted messages from pipeking
  • re the above website A quote from the dcma page on the site "DMCA The website Unlimited animation movies is one of the website which is against privacy as the main concept of this website is too fight against piracy so what we are doing when you come to our website you are going to our affiliate website which has collection library and that library provide you some good content so we are providing our user some source for the entertainment and we are not hosting any files and if some content is objectionable and than you report us we will remove it immediately and also we are not hosting any movie and we are against this some websites hosting the movie and we are against them that’s why we have link the affiliate link here." or to put another way use at your own risk
  • Another quick check catherinewalker a member since 2 hours ago Another case of luncheon in a can? Or as Mr Python sang about
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • Movie's playing now. High drama. A tear jerker. Everest may as well be a mountain on the Moon, with a life of it's own. A few human stories are told, with high emotional impact. Not everybody's story can be told in a 2hr movie.
  • Worth noting that Guy Cotter was involved as the lead safety consultant to the film-making process itself - and guided the directors on points of authenticity. That alone gives me some expectation it won't follow in the footsteps of so many prior Hollywood flops. There aren't many good movies involving mountains - I think directors get caught up in over-hyping the weather, the avalanches and exposure, when these are just the mundane realities of being in alpine regions. Much harder to capture the inner personal drama of the characters, especially when they're iced up under layers of kit and screaming into a gale. I'll go and see the movie; hopefully it's better than the trailer.
    This post has been edited by the author on 19 September 2015 at 11:54.
  • The Summit is a goody. Watched it on Maori tv the other night.
  • I just watched Everest on free internet download. It was pretty good, though it had its flaws. Mainly very weak character development. Only a couple of the characters were developed enough to identify with. Beak Withers and Rob Hall. Really this movie is about Rob and the movie should be named Hall. I have read into thin air, and this movie cannot touch it. But we all know the old cliche about books and movies. But the tragedy itself is dealt with really well. The cinematography is fantastic. Having been to base camp it really does the Sherpa region justice. And it gives a real sense of what it's like there. The acting is good, especially given the weak characters and it's fun to hear our accents done by overseas actors like Keira Knightly, who plays Jan Arnold. It's not an amazing movie, but it's good and it shows how much of a good kiwi bugger Rob Hall was. Worth a look.
  • It actually really was a good movie. Although do yourself a huge favour; don't pirate it, go and watch it on the big screen in 3D. JK is a good writer, but in my opinion a sensationalist one. I try to read anything else available on any topic he writes about as well. Anyway, the movie was excellent. It focused primarily on decision-making, without pushing the viewer to pass judgment. Of course, you alpine climbers will have your own views. But as a non-climber, I thought it was a well-made and visually stunning movie.
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Forum The campfire
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On 5 June 2015
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