Expedition Behavior

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  • Oh, another one that bugs me is when someone knows what annoys people in the grouo, and then keeps doing it repeatedly to push their buttons. Once or twice could be considered funny perhaps. When you do it repeatedly its just stupid. Had a group I was part of earlier this year ask me if I was alright incessantly for about 2.5 days of a week long trip because one of them thought I looked sad, when I was actually just bloody tired one evening. Needless to say, If I catch wind of any of those plonkers being on a trip Im going on, Im backing out in future.
  • When I hear the word "expedition" I think of Capt Scott and Shackelton, and those Himalayan trips of the 30-50's. It brings to mind military organization and the old "siege" method of climbing peaks. You know,".... jolly good show, we knocked the bastard off while sporting the wood, old boy..." I don't mind having a yarn in the hut at the end of the day, that is part and parcel of tramping. Chatting to hut mates you know nothing about is awesome, especially if they are interesting. I spent a night with a mid 60's couple who were hardcore TTC members. She was an ex club President, he had taken part in a lot of climbing trips to South America, Alaska and the Himalya. They had some great stories, which we traded huddled around the hut firebox. It was the most interesting night I've ever spent while tramping. On the other hand, I don't like talking much while on the trail. It blocks out the sounds of nature, which is why you are there in the first place.
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 June 2015 at 14:14.
  • I am the original grumpy mole and what I can't stand is people playing cards. They make a lot of noise. I've noticed now people are playing 'a..ehole'. I suspect this is the new name for what was once called 'scumbag' but not being a card player, I wouldn't know for sure. If anyone objects to seeing that word on this site, then be warned about staying in a hut. You'll get to hear that word about 100 times as the rules are explained and the game is played. I have been known to quietly burn the pack of cards in the woodburner if other people arrive at the hut. Another disturbing trend for we Cantabrians who cherish getting away for peace and quiet in the wilderness is the presence of rebuild workers, especially the oirish variety. If you thought the Kiwis had a binge drinking problem, you ain't seen nothing. They may have problems hanging out with their mates in town getting off their faces and someone has kindly told them about the track and hut system in the back country. Not good. We struck this 3 times last winter but fortunately the last lot really were there for the tramping, not the boozing (or drugs), thank goodness.
  • Frank went away with someone a while back and they had tummy pains, were unenthusiastic and did nothing to contribute. Never again. It made me think I can't be that bad!
  • Kings and A.....s - I'd taken that to be a kiwi tradition. Certainly seems to be that only card game that a random collection of kiwis can ever agree on the rules to. Not sure of an older name for it, but apparently it exists in Germany too, under a similar name.
    This post has been edited by the author on 4 June 2015 at 07:20.
  • Party pooper, @Honora :P Kings and A-holes/Kings and Knaves/Scumbag is a great game! Although I have a terrible ability of remembering card game rules. Yarniv is also a very common card game due to all the Israelis you run into. Good game!
  • That game is known by a number of names. And is quite fun! But Honora, you've made me laugh, and out of everyone from here I'd love to sit down in a backcountry hut and have a convo with (MP, Hugh, Phillip, Geeves etc), I reckon you'd be at the top of the list. Maybe because you've really helped pioneer female alpine feats in the country, maybe just because I know you're intelligent, experienced, and (just perhaps??) have that oh-so-dry sense of humour that dead-set cracks me up. :D
    This post has been edited by the author on 6 June 2015 at 23:04.
  • I don't mind the cards, what irritates me are the people listening to house music at 10pm at night. Hey I love music but, ...Ziggga zigga zig, do da zigga zigga zig a zig doh da zigggga ziggga zig, do dah ziggggggarghhhh zigggarrrgharghh zig do da ziggggggarrrrrrrrrrggghhhhziggarghhhh zig..... At maximum volume is just bloody irritating as hell.....
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 June 2015 at 10:27.
  • Gee, thanks Kreig. Maybe we'll run into you on the TAT...
  • No worries. Are you heading out on it too?? If so, when? Oh, and I don't call it the TAT anymore. As was pointed out to me, to call it that would be to call it The Long Pathway Trail. Which sounds silly. So either just Te Aroroa (TA), or TLPW. Not sure which.... ;)
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Forum The campfire
Started by EvoSmith
On 29 May 2015
Replies 22
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