
This topic branched from "Views on technology/electronics out in the backcou" on .
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  • Don't know why, but I can't find the "start new topic" button. Does someone not like me or something? :D Anyway, I wanted to talk about flares. How many survival situations have heard/read about or even been in, where you've seen potential rescuers but been unable to get there attention? Loads, right? Well, when I hit the TAT, I'm taking flares with me! They're not very expensive, fairly easy to get, and invaluable if TSHTF. I'm also very comfortable using them, being an ex Navy survival equipment maintainer. There's two types I'm looking at: Personal flare pen, which comes with 7 hand-held red flares. Day/night flare. Double-ended, it has a big bright red flare for at night on one end, and the other end has orange smoke. If you've ever seen an orange smoke signal going off, it lets out a LOT of smoke! (Tip for new players: Make sure you're stand UPwind when deploying!) Don't know if they've been talked about on here before, but I find it interesting that I haven't come across any threads on them. At the moment I just carry a roman candle with me. Will do the trick in a pinch. But hiking the TAT, well, I plan on taking the real deal.
  • I cant start a post either but will be testing in other browsers. However it does look more like a code issue. Ive not run into the idea of flares in a tramping situation before but they do make a bit of sense. After you set off your beacon and you can hear the helicopter they would work well. But at the same time a pulsing led torch is visible an amazing distance especially at night. You already have one of these in your kit
  • I had a problem with a neighbourhood dog fouling my lawns but needed to catch him in the act to take action. It quickly became apparent that it was not going to happen unless I spent an inordinate amount of time on the task. Random of systematic frequent short duration looks were unlikely to detect a short duration act. The same applies to flares and distress smoke. The chances of someone looking the right way and recognising what they are seeing during a flare's short burn, and then being able to act appropriately is slim. This is most especially the case when visibility is poor and mishaps are likely.
  • Coloured smoke sounds good if you can hear the aircraft. Probably more useful than a signal mirror/CD. overkill if you have a PLB ?. Don't want to take this off-topic, but I carry a simple fluoro cycle vest. I use it as 2nd layer wind shell, but it screws the hell out of the colour balance peoples photos, and should help me be seen & not (accidentally) shot ?. Probably worn it on-the-move more times than either a parka or wool layer. Weighs about the same as a handkerchief.
  • A PLB transmits for, what, 24 hours? We all know that NZ weather can be so fierce rescuers are groundedfor days. Let's take Madpom's story as an example. Let's say he hadn't left his PLB at home, and activated it. He had to deal with crappy weather and a rising water level right near his tent. So say his PLB gets activated, but the helo can't fly. And let's say that the water level came up higher and he had to crawl away. Or even worse, the torrent swept him away, after his beacon stops transmitting. He managed to keep himself alive, but now he's a few hundred metres or more from his last known position. Now, they'll find him eventually, of course, but the question is, will he be alive? What if the helo comes looking, but isn't looking in quite the right place. And all he's got is a signal mirror. He can see them, but in his weakened state all he can do is try to flash them. Quite likely to no avail, especially if it's still overcast. However, if he lets off a dirty great big cloud of orange smoke, chances are he's seen, and saved.
  • To me, the extra $100 or so spent is worth it.
  • Besides. If you can't get a fire lit any other way, direct a flare into it and you'll get it going! :D
  • At home you can always imagine a scenario for carrying almost anything.
  • You sure can. But a flare weighs bugger all, and it's kind of like a PLB; an insurance policy.
  • The important insurance company policy is the one that states that they will get rich while you don't.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 23 May 2015
Replies 44
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