Views on technology/electronics out in the backcou

  • Like with most things that cost several hundred $$ we all tend to um & ahh....I know I do, often to the point of over analysis. I originally looked at the ACR RescueLink, largely because they seem to be the most well promoted. Having an electrical background, I found their 'clear plastic see through to the electronics' case, quite tacky and pointless! It's like they are saying "look at me I have a circuit board so I must be the real deal" I know they're a reputable brand and I have hired them in the past but I just couldn't bring myself to actually buy one. I knew I would just look at it every time I went to put it in my pack and think "why did they feel the need to do that?" It's about form AND function to my way of thinking. Silly eh! However, in the end it came down to the Fastfind 220 and ACR, having discounted GME and several others. The FastFind won ($445+gst, which I claimed back as a safety device/work expense :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 May 2015 at 22:54.
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • It's just a thing I have about enclosures, it's a sparkie thing :) I think some of the older Ortovox transceivers had a clear or frosted case as well. That's no reflection on the quality or suitability of a product, or the qualification of my opinion. I almost bought an ACR at one point when they were on sale, but the Survitec comparison swayed me back to Fastfind As for claiming it as a work expense I figured that I largely work on my own and am frequently in a roof or under a house in Chch. So I keep it in my van and take it when I'm uneasy. No guarantee the signal will punch out if I get trapped, but given what happen to the cellphone networks when disaster struck I figured it could only help. That's how I rationalised it anyway. If the ird want to question my reasoning they can bite me :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 May 2015 at 22:43.
  • @1strider, farmers are starting to carry them out the back of their farms, why can't you!!!! Makes sense to me.
  • 1 deleted message from pipeking
  • I just ordered the KTI from an Oz supplier (NZ coded). Under $300 delivered, with a 10 year battery. I'm pretty happy with that! I reckon I'll try and claim it as a work expense as well. I'm an outdoor adventure guide, so hopefully I should be able to get away with it. :D
  • Hmm, I might actually look into getting one of those KTI units. Looks good, and the price is reasonable.
  • Well, I am SUPER stoked with my KTI! It's arrived, and me likey! We have the ACR ResQLink at work, so of course I immediately pulled that out to compare the two. The ACR is slimmer, but they're the same height. Similar in weight; ACR slightly less (130g vs 140g). But, in my opinion, that's as far as it goes for the ACR outstripping the KTI. The ACR doesn't have a strobe; as a marketing thing they've recently included a separate strobe. Which means carrying two items. The KTI strobe goes off automatically when you set the beacon off. The ACR has a battery life of 5 years. KTI marketing says 10 years. Then when it arrives, it clearly states the battery is good until May 2026 - 11 years. ACR uses an optional buoyancy pouch, whereas the KTI is itself inherently buoyant. The KTI pouch is more robust, and they've stuck a signal mirror inside it as well, which I thought was a nice little touch. There's just enough room in the pouch to squeeze a few extra survival items, which I really like, considering it will be worn on my belt at all times. The KTI also has a lanyard attached with a whistle. And what about the price? Even with a celebrated $50 cash back offer, the cheapest you'll find the ACR is $450. I picked up the NZ-coded KTI from SkippersMate in Tasmania (shipping is free) for NZ$290. I think either unit will do the job it's designed for. I'm just happy that I decided on the KTI.
  • I was about to go order the KTI from skippersmate last week, but the site is now shut down due to a personal injury of the owner. I get the feeling that it will come back up in the near future. I've been considering the acr for the last year, and so far since I found no negative feedback on the KTI, the cost and life time has me sold. But I'll have another round of looking for feedback before ordering it. Lucky I'm in no rush for it yet.
  • As for other tech in the bush, eventually I want to get an inreach or similar. This is more to keep the wife at home happy. Apart from that I work on a computer all day, going out is to get away from it all for me. But I understand others views and needs maybe different.
  • Yeah, I was showing a mate the KTI, and discovered the same message on their website. I really hope the owner is ok.... They provide EXCELLENT service, in my opinion. I'm also thinking about an InReach or something similar. A few things put me off: I don't really want one. It's to keep other people happy. I now have a good PLB, so it's not needed for emergencies. I don't like the idea of the annual fee.....
  • That's a good comparison. Especially the strobe light thing. ACR also makes the ResQLink+, which is bouyant, but it weighs slightly more (130g goes to 153g), and goes over the KTI weight in doing that. Have batteries been improving? I notice that KTI isn't just saying it has a 10 year battery life. It's specifically saying that it's an improvement over the previous 7 year benchmark, or at least one of its retailers is. So it sounds like more than just a difference in interpreting the buffer zones.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Size12
On 20 April 2015
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