waterproof down is a good thing

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  • Guy puts on his hydrophobic down jacket, and jumps into a frozen lake - twice. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/onicg8egqepcadymep7s.jpg "But, really, there are two choices now: synthetic insulation, if you’re on a budget and don’t care so much about weight; and hydrophobic down, if you want the best performance, screw the price. I absolutely would not buy anything with regular down any more. It’s just not worth it." http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/t5yygcyzrh6amsinfdob.jpg http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/04/we-tested-waterproof-down-by-jumping-in-a-frozen-lake/
    This post has been edited by the author on 5 April 2015 at 21:37.
  • Wow. Game changer? Not just in not needing to stress about keeping your down kit dry, but could this obviate the need for a hardshell? Just let yourself get wet, pop this thing on if you're feeling cold, slip it off when you're not? Sounds anathema. But so does immersing oneself in icy water.
  • It is awesome for bags for sure. Remember though in the mountains up high, precipitation usually comes in the solid white form... and when its liquid, its not insulation your after :)
  • I guess that 'proves' that waterproofed down is good for people who swim in frozen lakes. What does the waterproof coating do to the insulation qualities of the down (in the 90% of situations when the down is dry) and to the maintainability and longevity of those insulating properties?
  • Good points, Hugh !. There's a suggestion the Dri-down sleeping bags & jackets allow more transfer of moisture. Therefore, the products are less internally humid. If the down is less damp, then it's loft is improved. Also, if the down mix is less humid, then heat transfer is reduced. Both add up to better insulation from the hydrophobic-down products vs their regular-down comparables. " But in the real world, if a bag, like the jacket, creates a more humid atmosphere (clammy), it’s going to be colder; that’s just basic physics. And, if we’re correct, it means that a DriDown bag will be warmer in real-world use than a regular down bag, even when there’s no obvious moisture issues." http://www.easternslopes.com/2013/05/02/gear-snapshot-dridown-technology-is-it-a-game-changer/
  • 1 deleted message from Pro-active
  • Further - Q. Does the DriDown™ treatment process damage the down, make it less durable, or shorten its lifespan? A. Down is a very resilient material and the hydrophobic polymer used in DriDown™ does not diminish the durability or lifespan of down treated with it. Q. How long does DriDown™ last? Does it wash out? A. After dozens of cycles in a commercial washer with warm water and detergent, we have not seen any decline in DriDown’s™ performance. Theoretically the treatment could wash out, but it would take more washings than any sleeping bag or jacket would likely receive during its lifespan. http://www.dridown.com/faq/ Though, different brands of hydrophobic down manufacturers may use different technology & processes to achieve a similar end product.
  • It's an interesting new development - I'd suggest that if an outfit like Montbell start bringing out products using it there'd be a lot of credibility attached to that.
  • It's an interesting new development - I'd suggest that if an outfit like Montbell start bringing out products using it there'd be a lot of credibility attached to that.
  • a very small amount may make a very big difference to the warmth of the newer big compartment sleeping mats.
  • I'd be pretty skeptical. It's probably another toxic additive someone's dreamed up, like those bug repellents in clothes. I prefer just roughing it without the new-fangled additives. Makes you wonder how ducks etc float, if their down absorbs water....
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Pro-active
On 5 April 2015
Replies 25
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