Gillispies pass

  • Doe group looking at possible doing gillispies pass in december, our teachers worried about snowgrass if its wet, will this be a problem or anything else be a problem. Thanks
  • While the descent into the upper Young valley is steep its not exactly exposed from memory, I did it with an inexperienced friend and it wasn't an issue for her, but we had good weather. Its not like the Wilkin waterfall face, but it would still be best done in dry conditions. hope that answers your question, can't think of any thing else, but its a great circuit!
  • Thanks thought it should be sweet, just had to get extra conformation for my doe teacher.
  • It's rained on me 3 out of 3 times over Gillespie Pass and its always been ok. Its been 5 years since my last crossing but from memory you don't actually walk on snow grass, its a worn ground trail so you are on dirt/rock the whole time. If you do it from the Young to the Siberia it means you go up the steepest terrain, not down it. In December there is likely to be a bit of snow on the Siberia side of Gillespie Pass on the south side of Peak 1629. Depending on how early in December you go, if theres been plenty of other people across then there will likely be a compacted trail across the snow with boot footprints to stand in, but its something to be wary of.
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 March 2015 at 09:38.
  • Thats great advice right there. We did Gillespie Pass circuit in Dec 2013 and there was a fair bit of snow on the Siberia side of the pass.Easy enough to get down though. I'd suggest doing it anti clockwise ie: Start at the Young,up over the pass and down into Siberia Valley.The track up to the pass from the Young is steep,but formed so wet snowgrass shouldn't be a problem. Catch yourself a jet boat out too!
  • Thanks for all the info, sounds like it should be a great experience and snow (not much of that in northland). Are there any other side trips that are good apart from the crucible lake one to make it a 5 day tramp?
  • The upper Wilkin is incredibly beautiful. Theres 3 extra lakes up there to have a look at. Would add 2-3 days to the Gillespie Pass circuit, and realistically you would want to catch the jet boat out. If you went anticlockwise it would be: 1, Makarora to Young hut. 2, Young to Siberia hut. You can do Crucible lake on the same day if you carry a tent, takes about 10 hours and Siberia will be full up by the time you get there. 3, Crucible lake if you didnt do it day 2. Otherwise, to Top Forks hut. 4, To Top Forks hut, or day trip to the Wilkin North Branch lakes. 5, Wilkin North Branch lakes, or down to Kerin Forks and jetboat out. 6, To Kerin Forks and jet boat out. Its probably best to plan for 6 days even if you do skip a day by going up to Crucible on day 2 as the trip up to the Wilkin Lakes is weather dependent. Failing that, the upper Siberia is supposed to quite scenic. Never been up there myself. Would make a good day trip/overnight from Siberia hut. And theres also the Young Lake up the north branch of the Young. It's supposedly a hard days bush bash up and back from the DOC campsite at the bridge over the North Young, but again I haven't been up there.
  • Heading up to the Wilken North branch area is a great idea if you want to stretch it out to 5 days. The Wilkin is a beautiful valley,I spent 4 days there in Jan based at Top Forks and did day trips to the lakes,Waterfall Face. The tramp from Siberia to Top Forks is a fair way up valley but a lovely walk.Bit of a slog accross Jumboland,no shelter if its hot. Also if you're a school group be aware that Siberia Hut will likely be fullish in December,so you may need tents.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Elee987
On 22 March 2015
Replies 7
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