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  • handles are useful online, I am finding names more meaningful when connecting to who people are in the real world of tramping.
  • I'm known as River by all and sundry in Golden Bay, except I will answer to John when I meet an old acquaintance or relative who still uses that relic from my past! lol (Question - do they see ME as a relic from the past????) The nice thing about the name River is that it allows me to 'go with the flow' which leads me into all sorts of interesting situations and places. When I get stuck, my friends call me Eddy!
  • I've considered adding a real name option where you can optionally use your real name instead of a handle. However, unless it were authenticated it could be misleading.
  • Well i've been Kev since birth and affectionately Bamboo for around 13 years. I've had many nicknames growing up. Most of them inoffensive. I'm, like many on this forum an open book so to speak. I'll admit i'm very new to tramping and I have never properly hiked in NZ. I'm English and have hiked around many of our mounds (Small hills really. Even the UKs largest aren't that big, but there are some great technical climbs) and many trails in the Peak District which is on my doorstep. Generally most people know me as Bamboo and i'm fine with that or Kev. Some call me Kevin, but that was usually the mother or the ex when i'd done something wrong!! ha :) Differentially to @pipeking (sorry to single you out) I will use this forum as a site for a good bound of information, especially relating to experiences in NZ's backcountry. In the short time i've been using this forum I have a growing respect for many of the contributors @waynowski @pipeking @deepriver @kreig and probably some others I can't think of right now, so apologies for that. Look forward to asking, reading, learning and even offering my own advice from here on in.
  • It's not exactly a secret who I am. My profile page links to my blog which has my real name all over it. I don't care if people follow the link and know that. But I also quite like not directly linking my real name for reverse-indexing to stuff I post here, because it's true that I find it easier to be more flexible on discussing random ideas and thoughts, even if I haven't figured out what I think. Some random person who googles my name is less likely to be led right back to it. I'm fully aware that it's not a fault-less solution, but it's similar to why I (usually) avoid using the names of people in accidents, both in these forums and my blog, when a link to an article elsewhere will do. This is especially when a topic ends up being loose speculation about how a person did things badly, maybe in ways that might have resulted in serious accidents or death. I don't really care for a person's friends and family and future employers to start stumbling on all that unverified speculation, which really doesn't need to be linked to them anyway, simply because they searched for a person's name.
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 March 2015 at 13:40.
  • I lack imagination so I use my real name and it is just about unique as all the other Honoras have virtually popped their clogs.
  • I'm prepared to let others judge if they think I'm credible or not. Glenn is my first name and J is the first initial of my surname. It's no secret who I am. My background is on my profile & it's dinkum! I'm lucky enough to be able to be out in the hills regularly as has been the case for forty-five years. I've kept diaries since 1970 of time spent in the forests and mountains so where memories are unclear I can check. There are a few other glennj's out there. Generally there is no confusion except occasionally for the pilot one which is not me! (I did once work for a helicopter company though!)
    This post has been edited by the author on 24 March 2015 at 07:19.
  • around this campfire there's no problem of course with nicknames (or handles), and all the regulars know who all the regulars are. There is another real world out there where collectively the educated opinions and rich experience of this group could also be listened to.
  • I have no problem with using my real name but if it was made compulsory on a website you need to advertise the fact for privacy reasons. Hey, the Mafia or NSA might still be looking for you after all these [Email address removed]
  • I have no problem with using my real name but if it was made compulsory on a website you need to advertise the fact for privacy reasons. Hey, the Mafia or NSA might still be looking for you after all these years.......they are out there....!
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Forum The campfire
Started by Hugh vN
On 22 March 2015
Replies 19
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