South Island February or end of January Nelson

  • Hey all, I'm a 22 year old Canadian traveling around New Zealand for about 6 more weeks and am looking for some people to tramp with. I've just completed the St. James walkway without seeing a soul so Itd be nice to travel with some people! I'm in Nelson for a couple days and am looking for a tramp to do in the next couple days. After that I will head south again I think. Not too picky about the tramps. I'm in shape and have al my gear including a tent. If you're interested Let me know here or drop me an email at: colinsproule at gmail dot com look forward to meeting some of you! hope to meet some of you!
  • Just sent you an email. Will be on south island in a couple of weeks for some tramps!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by flapper
On 27 January 2010
Replies 1
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